Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Email: U.S. Had Forces Ready To Defend Benghazi On Night Of Attack Judicial Watch has recently released an email from the Department of Defense on the evening of September 11, 2012 that indicates the DOD did in fact have forces available to respond to the terror attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.
READ: Full email released by Judicial Watch (highlights added)

In the email, dated September 11, 2012 at 7:19pm, Department of Defense Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash tells State Department leadership that "we have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi. They are spinning up as we speak."

The email would seem to directly contradict the testimony of former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta before the Senate Armed Services Committee in 2013. When asked about the Obama administration's lack of military response to the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Panetta claimed that "time, distance, the lack of an adequate warning, events that moved very quickly on the ground prevented a more immediate response." It would also contradict the popular narrative pushed by the Obama administration as well as the Clinton State Department.

"The Obama administration and Clinton officials hid this compelling Benghazi email for years," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "The email makes readily apparent that the military was prepared to launch immediate assistance that could have made a difference, at least at the CIA Annex. The fact that the Obama Administration withheld this email for so long only worsens the scandal of Benghazi."
4 Previous Times The U.S. Stopped Immigrants From A Particular Group GOP frontrunner Donald Trump's call for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on" has certainly caught the attention of his political opponents. Trump's call has been met by a chorus of outrage and hand wringing on both sides of the political aisle. The White House has gone as far as to say it "disqualifies him from serving as president."

But is the idea as novel as many would like you to believe?

The truth is that there have been a number of instances in which the United States has curtailed or suspended the immigration of people from certain regions or nations, both during times of war and times of peace. In several circumstances, these laws have been upheld by the Supreme Court, confirming the power of the Federal Government to regulate immigration based on the national interest.

Here are the four previous times the U.S. stopped immigrants from a particular group...(continue reading)

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