Monday, February 8, 2016


Here's The FULL List of Paychecks Hillary Collected From Wall Street Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has recently come under fire for three highly-paid speeches she gave to Wall Street giant Goldman Sachs in the years between the end of her secretaryship and the start of her presidential campaign in 2015. Clinton collected $675,000 for the speeches, and critics say the payments illustrate a cozy relationship between the democratic candidate and the Wall Street investment banks Clinton claims she will rein in as president.

But the three Goldman Sachs speeches are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to questionable speeches Clinton gave over the past several years. In total, Hillary raked in $21,667,000 on the speaking circuit. In addition to Goldman Sachs, Clinton collected huge paychecks from other Wall Street heavyweights including Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, Fidelity Investments, and Bank of America.
Here is the full list of speeches Hillary gave, most of which came with a price tag of over $200k.
We Don't Need Transcripts, We Already Know What Hillary Said Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's high paid speeches in front of Goldman Sachs have become a contentious issue on the left side of the aisle. After netting a cool $675,000 for three speeches, liberals claim that the pay-days are evidence of Clinton's cozy relationship with the very Wall Street bankers she now claims to oppose.

Liberals are now demanding that Clinton release the transcripts of the speeches, a call that Hillary and her campaign are heartily rejecting.

"Let everybody who's ever given a speech to any private group under any circumstances release them. We'll all release them at the same time," Hillary said on ABC's This Week.

There's a fairly simple reason as to why Hillary refuses to release the transcripts of the speeches: they would destroy her credibility with the very anti-Wall Street crowd she is currently seeking to woo.

How do we know? What she said has already been reported...(continue reading)

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