Thursday, June 16, 2016


Sean Takes Apart A Muslim Imam Over Violent Passages In The Koran On a recent Sean Hannity Show, Sean received a call from Iman, a Muslim Imam based in Colorado. Iman ascribes to a belief that is popular amongst leftist, including President Obama and Hillary Clinton, that ISIS and those who commit acts of terrorism in their name, are not Muslims.
"In my firm belief that they're a form of atheists," Iman proclaimed.
LISTEN: Sean vs Iman the Imam

Sean fired off a battery of questions for the Colorado Imam. "Answer me this," Sean said. "Why does [the Koran] say take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends? Why does it talk about Jihad and holy war? And why does it talk about infidels as much as it does? And why was Mohammed in his own personal life a warrior? And why did he marry girls that weren't even 10 years old?"

"Well, Sean, these are big intellectual discussions..."

"It's not that intellectual," Sean fired back. "Why does it say take neither Jews nor Christians as your friends? I don't say that about Muslims...(continue reading)
Former Navy SEAL DESTROYS Democrats Calling For An 'Assault Rifle' Ban Since the terror attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Democrats have begun calling for a full ban on assault weapons or, as many have come to call them, "weapons of war."
WATCH: Former Navy SEAL DESTROYS Democrats

"We have seen the devastation that these military style weapons cause," said Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in a recent interview.

Not everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. Millions of law abiding gun owners are defiantly opposing the calls for a ban.

Dom Raso, a veteran Navy SEAL, is one of the voices rejecting left-wing calls for a ban on so-called assault weapons. In a recent video, Raso destroys arguments that claim such a ban would make Americans more safe...(continue reading)

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