Friday, June 17, 2016


Anti-Gun Senator Joe Manchin: 'Due Process Is Killing Us' It's no secret that the anti-gun politicians on the left are hostile to the 2nd Amendment, but now they're apparently taking aim at the 5th Amendment. The 5th Amendment to the Constitution, of course, prohibits the U.S. government from depriving citizens "of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law".
WATCH: Anti-Gun Senator Joe Manchin lament the 5th Amendment

This is apparently too much for gun-grabbers like West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, who believes the 5th Amendment is little more than an impediment to implementing sweeping gun control legislation that would allow the government to suspend individual rights without due process.

"The problem we have - and really, the firewall we have right now, is due process. It's all due process. So we can all say, 'Yeah, we want the same thing,' but how do we get there? If a person is on a terrorist watch list like the gentleman - the shooter - in Orlando, he was, twice by the FBI, we were briefed yesterday about what happened. But that man was brought in twice. They did everything they could," Manchin said during a recent interview...(continue reading)
The List Of High-Ranking U.S. Officials Who Warn ISIS Could Infiltrate The Refugee Population Despite the horrific Islamic terror attack that took place in Orlando last weekend and the continued warnings from top U.S. officials that ISIS will infiltrate the refugee system, the Obama Administration remains hell-bent on importing "refugees" from terror hotbeds into our communities.

The Washington Examiner reports that in the wake of the Orlando attack, "A White House National Security Council spokesman told the Washington Examiner Monday evening that the U.S. 'remains committed to the president's plan to resettle refugees from around the world,' including the more than 8,000 of the 10,000 Syrian refugees Obama pledged to resettle in the U.S. by October but have yet to undergo the required screening."

Below is a list of NINE high-ranking U.S. officials, including our CIA and FBI directors, who all believe ISIS can (or will) take advantage of the refugee system to infiltrate the West and carry out terror attacks (just like they did in the Paris attacks)...view list

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