Thursday, June 23, 2016


WATCH: Hillary Actually Reads 'Sigh' Cue Off Of Her TelePrompter Yesterday, Hillary Clinton spoke at a campaign rally in North Carolina. Much of that time was spent attacking the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump. Clinton also addressed the basic liberal polices she plans to implement if she becomes president.
WATCH: Hillary Reads "Sigh" Off Teleprompter

"Think about it," Clinton said. "He's going after me personally because he has no answers on the substance. All he can do is he's trying to distract us. That's even why he's attacking my faith."

She then paused for a moment and said, "Sigh." It appeared the word "sigh" was a teleprompter signal to make the sound after she had finished her sentence. Instead, Clinton read it out loud.

Hillary Clinton is officially the new Ron Burgundy.
Congressman Louie Gohmert Flips Out On 'Sit-In' Democrats It's chaos on the floor of the House of Representatives as Congressional Democrats' 'sit-in' enters its second day. On Wednesday, Speaker Paul Ryan adjourned the House after Democrat shouting disrupted regular order.

"The chair appreciates that members will differ on matters of policy and will seek to express those differences," Ryan said. "But the chair would hope that the business of the House could be conducted in a fashion that respects positively on the dignity and decorum of this institution."
WATCH: Rep. Gohmert confronts "sit-in" Democrats

Late on Wednesday evening, Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert stormed the House chambers and decided to make a statement of his own.

"Radical Islam killed these people," Gohmert shouted, gesturing to Democrat posters with photos of Orlando victims. Gohmert was eventually shouted down with chants of "No bill, no break."

Apparently Democrats aren't so keen on having their disruptions disrupted.

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