Friday, June 24, 2016


Trump Comments On Brexit, Says Obama Partially To Blame For Results Voters in Great Britain sent shockwaves through the world last night by becoming the first nation to elect to exit the European Union. In a tight contest, the "Leave" effort narrowly defeated the "Remain" effort 52%-48%.
WATCH: Donald Trump's comments on Great Britain leaving the European Union

GOP presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump happened to be in Scotland on Friday morning to open a new golf course. In a news conference, Trump was asked to weigh in on the decision. The New York billionaire praised British voters and drew parallels to America's own plight.

"People want to take their country back and they want to have independence," Trump said from his golf course in Turnberry, Scotland. "You're going to have many cases where they want to take their borders back, their monetary back, they want to be able to have a country again and it's going to happen more and more...(continue reading)
Democratic Congressman Admits On Camera That Democratic 'Sit-In' Is A Fundraising Stunt For the past 24 hours, Congressional Democrats have engaged in a "sit-in" on the floor of the House of Representatives, claiming that they're protesting Speaker Paul Ryan's failure call for a vote on gun-control legislation. This afternoon, Speaker Ryan responded, accusing Democrats of engaging in a "political stunt".

During a press conference this afternoon, Ryan also noted that Democrats were fundraising off of the sit-in. "They are not trying to get this done through regular order," Ryan told reporters. "They're staging protests; they're trying to get on TV; they are sending fundraising solicitations."
WATCH: Congressman Sherman admit Democrats are "politicking" off of the victims of the Orlando terrorist attack

Paul Ryan isn't alone in saying that the Democratic sit in is a stunt. As a matter of fact, Democratic Congressman Brad Sherman of California admitted as much in a recent interview.

"If Speaker Ryan doesn't want the Democratic Committee to be politicking on this issue, he has to schedule a vote, that's the solution," Sherman told a CNN panel.

There you have it...(continue reading)

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