Friday, August 19, 2016


Bombshell: Clinton Foundation Witnesses Coming Forward In Pay-For-Play Investigation Today, New York Times Bestselling author Ed Klein has revealed on The Sean Hannity Show that sources have confirmed to him that not only is The Clinton Foundation under federal investigation, but also at least one Clinton Foundation insider is prepared to testify in a court of law against Hillary.

Reports of legal troubles for the foundation began last week when The Daily Caller reported that a joint FBI-US Attorney probe of The Clinton Foundation is currently underway. The charge is supported by a number of emails recently released by Judicial Watch, which suggest The Clinton Foundation engaged in pay-for-play while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.

"We are a long way from Hillary Clinton sliding into The White House without having some real serious legal problems before this election," Klein told Hannity.

During his interview, Klein, author of the forthcoming book Guilty As Sin, dropped a number of bombshells...(continue reading)
Hillary Blames Colin Powell For Her Use Of Private Email, Powell Fires Back Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton told the Federal Bureau of Investigations that former Secretary of State Colin Powell advised her to use her personal email, according to a new report.

The New York Times reports that Clinton's claim was included in the notes the FBI handed over to Congress on Tuesday. The notes were taken during Clinton's three and a half hour interview with the FBI in July, just days prior to Director James Comey's decision not to recommend indictment for Mrs. Clinton's mishandling of classified information.

Hillary's statements to the FBI are apparently consistent with reporting from Clinton hagiographer Joe Conason, who wrote in an upcoming book about Bill Clinton's post-presidency that the recommendation from Powell came during a conversation at a dinner party...(continue reading)

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