Tuesday, December 20, 2016



Trump Fires Back At Bill Clinton's 'Angry White Men' Comment President-elect Donald Trump is firing back at Bill Clinton for critical statements made by the former president during a recent interview.

Clinton made his comments to the a reporter from the Record-Review, a local newspaper that serves upstate New York where the Clinton's have their residence.

"He doesn't know much," Clinton said when the reporter asked if Trump was smart. "One thing he does know is how to get angry, white men to vote for him."

In addition, Clinton blamed FBI Director Comey for his wife's loss. "James Comey cost her the election," Clinton said, referring to the announcement made by Comey 11 days before election day that the FBI was reviewing newly discovered emails for ties to the investigation of Hillary Clinton's secret server...(continue reading)
The Final Tally Of Yesterday's Electoral College Vote As expected, Donald Trump was elected 45th President of the United States by the electoral college on Monday. Trump walked away with 304 electors, 34 more than was needed to secure the win, while Clinton ended up with 227.

The left's desperate bid to flip electors not only failed miserably, it actually backfired. In an ironic twist, only two electors cast protest votes against Trump, while five electors walked away from their pledges to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Here was the final vote tally (view list)

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