Wednesday, August 9, 2017


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Hannity's Headlines
Wednesday, August 9th
Defense Secretary Mattis Releases Statement on North Korea
Secretary of Defense James Mattis has released a strong statement regarding recent reports that North Korea is now capable of mounting a nuclear warhead to long-range missiles.
Suspect Identified In Paris Car Attack on French Soldiers
Police have apprehended a suspect in a terror attack that let 6 members of French Security Services injured on Wednesday.
REPORT: Loretta Lynch Aide Sent Talking Points to FBI over Tarmac Meeting
A prominent lawyer who worked for former Attorney General Loretta Lynch drafted talking points regarding her secret tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton, sending that information over to the FBI to help bury the controversial story just weeks before the 2016 general election.

According to emails released by the American Center for Law and Justice, the Attorney General's top lawyer, identified as Paige Herwig, helped edit Obama administration statements relating to the tarmac meeting.
FLASHBACK: Nancy Pelosi Laughs-Off North Korea Nuclear Threat
Nancy Pelosi is now taking the threat of a North Korean attack on the United States seriously, just a month after laughing-off Kim Jong Un's weapons program after his first test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile.

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi harshly criticized President Trump's stern warning to North Korea on Wednesday, calling the Commander-in-Chief's comments "recklessly belligerent" and "impulsive," conveniently forgetting her giggle-fit just weeks ago.
FAKE NEWS: NY Times Issues Massive Correction on Trump Hit-Piece
The New York Times issued a massive correction to a front-page article regarding President Trump and his administration's position on climate change, admitting the "bombshell report" had been available online for over seven months.

The Times ran the "breaking" story, titled "Scientists Fear Trump Will Dismiss Blunt Climate Report" on Tuesday, saying they had obtained a draft version of the Trump administration's report on the state of the environment. The story falsely claims the document "directly contradicts claims by President Trump and members of his cabinet."
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Ben Carson Just Walked Into Chicago And Did The ONE Thing Obama Didn’t Want Him To

Ben Carson stepped into Illinois today to recognize the fact that many citizens were forced to move from the West Calument Housing Complex because of soil contamination below the complex.
Carson said that it was very important to get residents out of harm’s way and to make sure that the relocation happened in a good way.

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The sad part is that this is Obama’s hometown. Why did it take Ben Carson to come in and finally start doing something about it?
The West Calumet Housing Complex comprises one-third of the USS Lead Superfund site in East Chicago. Residents living at the 1,000 property complex were told to leave their homes by the EPA.
Carson went there to hear firsthand from the people in the region. Carson then didn’t spend time focusing on the blame. He spent time trying to figure out the problems at hand.
Share this if you love Ben Carson and are glad that he can fix all the problems Obama couldn’t.
Paris is the best writer on the Internet and helped get Donald Trump elected President in 2016.

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