Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Sean Hannity Newsletter
Hannity's Headlines
Wednesday, September 13th
Hannity to McConnell: Get Out of the Way
Speaking during his opening monologue on 'Hannity' Tuesday night, Sean slammed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell over his total inability to pass legislation and advance President Trump's agenda; urging the GOP legislator to "call it a career and get out of the way."
GREAT AGAIN: $2 TRILLION Added to US Economy Under President Trump
The United States Stock Market has added over $2 trillion to the American economy since President Trump won the 2016 presidential election; smashing expectations and further signaling a robust recovery following years of stagnant growth under Barack Obama.
REPORT: Schultz' Shady IT Staffer Hid Secret Server from Capitol Police
The shady IT staffer at the heart of Debbie Wasserman Schultz' widening scandal was banned from the US Capitol earlier this year for attempting to hide a secret server, possibly with the intent of smuggling top-secret information out of the secure building.

Imran Awan allegedly siphoned communications and other sensitive materials from House Democrats to a secret server, raising alarm bells throughout the Capitol and resulting in his removal on February 2nd.
POLL: Frustrated Republicans Support Trump's Outreach to Democrats
While Congressional republicans and GOP lawmakers bristled over the prospect of President Trump striking a deal with democrats over the debt ceiling -and possibly DACA- the vast majority of Americans support the President's outreach to liberal legislators to help advance his agenda.

According to Rasmussen, 66% of likely American voters think the White House's outreach to congressional democrats is "good for the country." A mere 13% think bipartisan cooperation is "bad for the country," with 21% undecided.
PATHETIC: Hurricane Irma Telethon Turns into Liberal Hate-Fest
The stars turned out Tuesday night for a celebrity-studded telethon to help the victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, but it didn't take long for the event to turn into a liberal rallying cry; with Stevie Wonder opening the event by saying anyone unsure about "climate change" was either "blind or unintelligent."

The event became political within minutes, with iconic singer Steve Wonder opening the event by saying, "When love goes into action, it preferences no color of skin, no ethnicity, no religious beliefs, no sexual preferences, and no political persuasions."
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WATCH: Comey Faces Challenges Amid Accusations Of ‘False Testimony’

The White House on Monday accused James Comey of giving “false testimony” and suggested the Justice Department look at whether he perjured himself

How McConnell Got The Better Of Democrats In Debt Limit Deal

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wrote in some “extraordinary” provisions to the debt ceiling bill that could mean there won’t be another debt ceiling....
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West Wing Showdown: Are Ex-Staffers Sabotaging This Key Player?

Former Trump administration officials are attempting to tarnish the reputation of Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and a top White House aide,....

Hubris: Clinton So Sure Of Victory, She Bought A Home For White House Staff

Hillary Clinton was so confident of victory last year that she bought a second house next to her residence in Chappaqua, New York, to accommodate White....

GOP Renews Attempt To Stop Obamacare With Unlikely Ally

Sen. John McCain, the longtime “maverick” whose thumbs-down quashed the GOP’s push to repeal Obamacare in July, is now at the center of a long-shot bid....

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Powerful words from the Arizona Senator.
US Senate hopeful Kid Rock speaks the truth and people love it.
Hillary's latest smear against Americans is infuriating.
This request could change everything.
The board is set, and the pieces are moving.
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Hear it from Clinton herself.
This is not the way anyone should treat the FLOTUS.
This can't sit well with the former president.
Despite his failure as a presidential candidate, Romney isn't finished with politics.
This is great news for the Trump agenda!
Breaking News From

Michael Moore Bombing on Broadway
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North Korea slapped with UN sanctions after nuclear test
North Korea says it has developed a hydrogen bomb. The United Nations has imposed a fresh round of sanctions on North Korea after its sixth and largest nuclear test...
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As Hurricane Irma bore down, Tesla gave some Florida drivers more battery juice. Here’s why that’s a big deal....
Owners of Tesla Model S cars, such as the one above, received updates that enabled them to flee Hurricane Irma....
Eyes on 2018 as 3rd House Republican Says He’ll Retire
A second-term Republican congressman announced Monday he would not run for re-election next year, becoming the third targeted GOP member in the past week to retire as the party faces a potentially difficult fight to maintain its majority in 2018....
‘Dems’ didn’t get a good deal’ says McConnell, promising no debt ceiling fight until 2018
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Democrats were too hasty to celebrate the shock spending deal they made with President Donald Trump last week....
White House Watch: Did Trump Fire Comey Because of Perjury by the FBI Director?
The White House has a new argument for why President Donald Trump fired James Comey earlier this year: The FBI director possibly committed perjury....

Bill O'Reilly's Megyn Kelly Prognosis


 Hillary Clinton's pastor just revealed a dark secret about her election night prayer...
And now she's MORTIFIED.

Because she's been exposed as the hypocrite we always knew she was.

Watch this video and see for yourself...

- Kelly

P.S. -- The liberal media are doing everything they can to make sure you never hear about this. Click now before it's gone forever. 

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