Monday, December 24, 2018


Fri, December 21

Sat, December 22

U.S. Supreme Court Justices Pose For Official Group Portrait

BREAKING: John Roberts Sides with Liberal Justices, Upholds Block on Trump’s ‘Asylum Ban’

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts sided with his left-leaning colleagues Friday; upholding a previous ruling that effectively blocked President Trump from cracking down on asylum seekers along the United States’ southern border.
“Chief Justice John Roberts joined his four more liberal colleagues Friday in ruling against the administration in the very case in…

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FINAL WARNING: Trump Tells Dems He's ‘TOTALLY PREPARED’ for a ‘Very Long Shutdown’

President Trump warned Congressional leaders Friday that the White House was “totally prepared” for a “very long shutdown” should they fail to reach a budget deal; saying this may be “our only chance” to get “great border security.”
The President was speaking with reporters during a signing ceremony for his Criminal Reform Justice Bill…
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2018 Sundance Film Festival - Cinema Cafe With Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg And Nina Totenberg

DEVELOPING: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Has ‘Cancerous Growth’ Removed from Lungs

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg underwent a medical procedure in New York City Friday; having “cancerous growths” removed from her lungs at Manhattan’s Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
“Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85, underwent a lung procedure to remove a cancerous growth on Friday, the Supreme Court said in a release,” reports…

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President Trump Briefed On Hurricane Michael By Secretary Of Homeland Security Nielsen And FEMA Chief Long In Oval Office

FUND THE WALL: Trump Refuses to Back Budget Deal without Border Wall Funding

President Trump told congressional leaders Thursday that he will not sign a budget agreement that fails to include funding for his border wall; increasing the likelihood of a partial “government shutdown” heading towards Friday’s deadline.
“House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., told reporters after meeting the president at…

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House Follows Senate, Passes Criminal Reform Bill, Heads to President’s Desk

The House of Representatives followed the Senate Thursday and voted overwhelmingly to pass the President’s touted ‘Criminal Reform Bill,’ sending the legislation to Trump’s desk to be signed into law.
“The House approved the bill 358-36, sending it to Trump’s desk for his signature. The legislation was approved earlier this week by the Senate,…

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WEST COAST CHAOS: California Cops FURIOUS Over Laws Preventing Them from Working with ICE

A California sheriff slammed his state’s Sanctuary City guidelines this week; blasting the policies following a dangerous, high-speed car chase with a twice-deported “illegal immigrant killer.”
“A California sheriff whose officers were led on a wild chase earlier this week by a twice-deported illegal immigrant killer says cops are ‘very frustrated’ with sanctuary state…

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