Friday, April 9, 2021


6 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Kindness
Many people are talking about the ripple effect - how one action can spread results. One of the most positive ways to use the ripple effect is to disperse a drop of kindness into your world. By spreading kindness, you can create...... [Full Story]
Kissing Boosts Your Immune System and Health
While kissing makes you feel good emotionally, it also has amazing [Full Story]
Women More Prone to Concussion's Long-Term Harms: Study
After a concussion, women may be at heightened risk of lasting [Full Story]
Do This Immediately If You Have Diabetes - Watch Now
New Device Preserves Hearts for Transplants Longer
A few days after his 74th birthday, Don Stivers received his dream [Full Story]
Diminished Hearing, Vision Together Could Be Risk Factor for Dementia
A combination of hearing and vision loss is tied to an increased risk [Full Story]
Study: Branded Rx Requests Boost Medicare Costs by $1.6B
Prescribers and patients motivated 30.4% of all branded dispensing of [Full Story]
What We All Can Profit From When the Dollar Collapses
Increase in Overall Costs With Use of Urgent Care Centers
Use of urgent care centers is associated with a small reduction in [Full Story]
New Treatment May Help Women in Early Menopause Remain Fertile
An experimental treatment may restore fertility during early [Full Story]
Nature’s Secret for Healthy, Normal Blood Pressure
1st New ADHD Drug OK'd in Over a Decade for Children
U.S. regulators have approved the first new drug in over a decade for [Full Story]
This Medical Condition Is Becoming Another Epidemic
You can add diverticulitis to the list of age-related ailments [Full Story]
Investing Legend Picks The 6 Best Stocks to Survive a Biden Presidency
10 Top Healing Foods From the Bible
"Whether you eat, drink, or whatever you do, do all for the glory of [Full Story]
6 Steps to Reduce Stress for Alzheimer's Caregivers
Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease can be mentally and [Full Story]
Free Book! ‘The Great Gold Comeback.’ Shocking Info – Ships free
C-Section Babies Have Microbiome Deficit, But Catch Up Over Time
Infants born by cesarean section initially have less diverse gut [Full Story]
Could a Few Glasses of Wine Per Week Help Ward Off Cataracts?
Cataracts are a threat to the vision of millions, but new study [Full Story]
The War on Cash Has Begun
Study: Skin Rashes, 'COVID Toes' Vaccine Side Effects Don't Last Long
The Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines have been found to have side [Full Story]
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