Monday, May 17, 2021



CBS Poll: 80% of GOP Back Cheney Removal, Almost 90% Like Trump Policies

CBS Poll: 80% of GOP Back Cheney Removal, Almost 90% Like Trump Policies
Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
Train Hauling Hazardous Materials Derails in Iowa, Catches Fire
A Union Pacific train hauling hazardous materials derailed and then caught fire in the city of Sibley, Iowa, authorities said on Sunday, leading to the evacuation of dozens of people although there were no reports of injuries or fatalities...... [Full Story]
39M Families to Receive Monthly Child Payments in July
The Treasury Department said Monday that 39 million families are set [Full Story]
AT&T in $43B Deal to Combine CNN, Other Media Biz With Discovery
AT&T and Discovery Inc. announced a deal Monday in which AT&T's [Full Story]
Doctors Can't Explain Why This Fruit May Cut Your Blood Sugar by 90%
Israel Says Gaza Tunnels Destroyed in Heavy Airstrikes
The Israeli military unleashed a wave of heavy airstrikes on the Gaza [Full Story]
Over 80% in Japan Oppose 2021 Olympics: Poll
More than 80% of Japanese oppose hosting the virus-postponed Olympics [Full Story]
55 Hour Work Week Increases Risk of Death: UN
Working more than 55 hours a week increases the risk of death from [Full Story]
America's Worst Nightmare. The Real Crisis is Just Starting
Washington State Tells Businesses to Eliminate Emissions by 2050
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee is set to sign a law today mandating that [Full Story]
Rubio Calls for Serious Analysis on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is leading calls to take reports of UAP [Full Story]
Nobel Prize Winning Miracle Molecule Opens Blood Vessels by 50%
Pompeo: Evidence 'Staggering' of COVID Origins at China Virology Lab
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday described as [Full Story]
Jimmy Lai to Plead Guilty in Protest Case After Assets Frozen
Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai, veteran activist Albert Ho and [Full Story]
What God Told Ex-President Trump is A Biblical Bombshell
Report: Microsoft Had Gates Probed for Relationship
Microsoft Corp.'s directors started a probe into Bill Gates's alleged [Full Story]
Biden 'Ashamed' of Israel and Policies Could Spark War, Experts Say
After a series of landmark deals were struck between Israel and its [Full Story] |
Alert: IRS Loophole Protects Your 401k/IRA From Economic Changes
US Gasoline Shortage Eases, but Pumps Dry in Some Areas
Gasoline shortages that have plagued the U.S. East Coast slowly eased [Full Story]
Second Amendment Sanctuaries Facing 1st Court Test in Oregon
The first court test of whether local governments can ban police from [Full Story]
Space Force Commander Removed After Conservative Comments
A U.S. Space Force commander tasked with detecting ballistic missile [Full Story]
Kudlow: High Inflation in April; May Predicted, With at Least Another Month to Go
Former Trump chief economist Larry Kudlow on Friday said the U.S. [Full Story]
Kobe Bryant Remembered in Emotional Hall of Fame Inductions
Vanessa Bryant stood at the podium on Saturday evening as her late [Full Story]
Sen. Ron Johnson: Cyber Attacks on Energy 'Existential' Threat
The Biden Green New Deal is going to make the U.S. even more [Full Story]
Stefanik Declares GOP Is Unified
Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., declared Sunday the GOP is unified in [Full Story]
Cities Beefing Up Presence for Expected Summer Crime Wave
Cities across America are bolstering their patrols for the summer, [Full Story]
Calls Mount for Gaza-Israel Cease-fire, Greater US Efforts
The U.N. Security Council and Muslim nations convened emergency [Full Story]
Florida Lawmakers Reconvene for Special Session on Gambling
Florida lawmakers reconvene Monday for a special session to consider [Full Story]
McConaughey Making Calls About Texas Gubernatorial Run
Beloved actor Matthew McConaughey is more than merely talking about a [Full Story]
Dan Crenshaw: Cheney Removal From Caucus Chair Not About Impeach Vote
Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, said Sunday the ouster of Rep. Liz [Full Story]
Israeli Strikes Home of Top Hamas Leader
Israeli airstrikes on Gaza City flattened three buildings and killed [Full Story]
Iran Gears Up for Return to Oil Market as Biden Talks Advance
Iran is preparing to ramp up global oil sales as talks to lift U.S. [Full Story]
Liz Cheney Says Her Father Wants Her to Run for President
Former Vice President Dick Cheney wants his daughter, Rep. Liz [Full Story]
Mixing COVID Vaccines Might Raise Odds for Minor Reactions: Study
Mixing the various COVID-19 vaccines - for example, getting a first dose of the Pfizer vaccine but having your second dose be the AstraZeneca shot - seems to increase the risk of side effects, a new study from Britain suggests... [Full Story]

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