Sunday, September 5, 2021



Malina Omut


The importance of forming habits

Why QR codes aren't a fad

A Cabela's wannabe in Minnesota


Editor's Note


Good morning. Tomorrow night I’ll join the rest of the Jewish community in celebrating Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. 

One of the most fascinating Rosh Hashanah customs is called Tashlich. During this ceremony, Jews head to a body of water—could be an ocean, river, or these days, I-676 in Philly—and throw in small pieces of bread.

It’s not a ritualized rejection of carbs, but instead an opportunity to, quite literally, “cast off” your sins to be taken away by the current, or eaten by fish. 

Tashlich isn’t a “get out of jail free” card to use when we mess up. Rather, it’s an understanding that we all do things we’re not proud of. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone’s accumulated a little bread over the past year. But instead of dwelling forever on what we’ve done wrong, Tashlich allows us to acknowledge that we're simply human...and only when you forgive yourself for your past missteps can you focus on improving in the future. And I really like that message.

Wishing everyone, whether you’re celebrating Rosh Hashanah or not, a shana tovah u'metukah, a good and sweet year.

—Neal Freyman




Stock Watch

Stock Watch September 5




Icebreakers with...Habits Expert James Clear

James Clear

James Clear

James Clear dishes out life-changing insights like they're T-shirts on a college campus. He is the author of the bestselling book, Atomic Habits, as well as the hugely popular 3-2-1 newsletter

We tried not to bite our nails as we asked James all about building (and breaking) habits.

What is one of your ideas that most resonates with your audience?

There are probably two. The first is the idea of systems over goals, or rather than worrying about the outcome, focusing on the process and building better habits each day. The line that people bring up a lot from the book is, “You don’t rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems.” 

The other one that has gone over well is what I call “identity-based habits.” Rather than worrying about the results you want, focus on becoming the type of person who could achieve those results. So instead of worrying about losing 40 pounds, focus on being the kind of person who doesn’t miss workouts. Or rather than worrying about finishing the novel, focus on being the kind of person who writes every day.

Many people have been working from home for 18 months. Do you think that's made it more difficult to develop habits? 

One of the things that makes it hard to stick to a habit is if you’re trying to do multiple habits in the same context. Say your couch is the place where you watch Netflix at 7pm, but you want to get in the habit of journaling each night. If you try to journal at 7pm on the couch you have this unconscious bias toward turning on the TV, because that’s what usually happens there. 

One of the benefits of going into an office is that you have a defined space for work habits to live. You can utilize that idea in a practical way, by trying to create defined spaces for certain habits. If you want to get into the habit of reading, you could have a reading chair in the corner of the room. And the only thing that happens there is when you sit there you read a book. And you gradually start to associate that behavior with that context. The more explicit you can be about where the habit occurs, and it always occurs in the same place in the same way, the more likely it is that the behavior will stick.

What did you learn about habit formation from being a college baseball pitcher? 

I learned a lot about the importance of pregame routines. Before every start in college I went through the same sequence about 40 minutes before the start of the game.

What ends up happening is that a switch flips in your mind and says, “Remember, it’s time to play now.” I think that helps not just with the physical part of the task—it helps with the mental part of the task. It helps get you in the right mindset to perform.

Translating that to what I do now, since Atomic Habits has blown up I’ve been asked to do a lot of keynote speeches. And I have a pregame routine before I walk out on stage.

What do you do? 

It usually starts with me getting a glass of water. I take a drink of water, go through the first minute of the talk in my head, and then I put my head down and have quiet time for 10 seconds or so. Then I get up, take a deep breath, and I’m ready to go.

Each of your newsletters contains two quotes. Do you have a favorite quote? 

I’m going to pick two but I do just want to say I have like 100. 

One is from my friend Morgan Housel: “Your personal experiences make up maybe 0.00000001% of what’s happened in the world but maybe 80% of how you think the world works. We’re all biased to our own personal history.”

The second one is from the investor Josh Wolfe, who said that the most useful advice he ever got was from James Watson, the scientist who helped discover DNA. Watson said three words with two meanings: “Avoid boring people.” I like that a lot because it means a) don’t hang out with boring people and b) don’t be boring yourself. Be interesting, be fascinating, do compelling things. 

This interview has been lightly edited and condensed for clarity.



This Bot Mops the Floor with Your Usual Routine


Roborock’s Intelligent Robot Vacuum leaves your old cleaning routines in the dust. Metaphorically. This bot would never dream of leaving dust anywhere.

The Intelligent Robot Vacuum engages in what experts refer to as “multi-purpose cleaning,” AKA it mops and vacuums at the same time. And when the cleaning is done and dusted, the Intelligent Robot Vacuum empties itself into the Auto-Empty dock, which you only have to replace every two months.

You can also schedule the Intelligent Robot Vacuum to clean wherever, whenever you like. In fact, all Roborock bots can set multiple time schedules for different days and different suction levels. Now that’s smart cleaning you can set your watch to.

Finally—as if all that brilliance wasn’t enough—you can control your Intelligent Robot Vacuum with any easy and intuitive phone app.

Clean up your act and get a robot vac here.




The Keys to Getting Honest Feedback

Make It Work logo

Each week, our workplace whisperer Shane Loughnane answers reader-submitted questions about work in 2021. Anything bothering you at work? Ask Shane here.

I'm a relatively new manager and I want to make sure I'm providing proper support to my direct reports with any challenges they may be experiencing. Do you have any advice for soliciting honest feedback? —Michael in NYC

I thought we had a good thing going, Michael. The honest feedback comes to me and then I address it here on Sunday—what gives?

Bad for the advice column business or not, I love this question. The number of managers who view feedback as a one-way street would make NYC’s grid blush. The last thing you want is an employee who, in a final twist of irony, provides their only honest feedback during the exit interview. 

I’ve found the best strategy for collecting feedback from employees to be a diversified one. I had a manager who would ask during every 1-1 session if I had any feedback for them, a tactic I later found myself using with a few of my direct reports. I suspect that some employees might feel put “on the spot” in that scenario and would prefer to write out their thoughts beforehand. Still others will inevitably respond best to an anonymous survey or 360-degree approach

Whether it’s delivered via carrier pigeon or metaverse avatar, the input (and actually doing something with it) is what matters. And while there are plenty of methods to solicit feedback, there are no real shortcuts if you want to track down the “honest” kind. You’ll need to earn it by being honest yourself—both with the feedback you give your direct reports, as well as by being transparent about your own challenges. The key is to model behavior that establishes feedback as part of a broader culture of continuous professional growth and trust, rather than relying on an annual performance review.

Writing on the Wall

Last week, I invited Brew readers to join me in helping Rachel from FL find the perfect quote to grace her blank office wall. This group is certainly not lacking inspiration—had your responses not sent me running through it, my own wall would be outfitted with vinyl lettering. In the end, though, nobody showed up in numbers quite like Ted Lasso Nation and so I’ve taken the liberty of mocking up the “goldfish” quote for production below. 

“You know what the happiest animal on Earth is? It’s a goldfish. You know why? 10-second memory.” 

Have a question about work you want to ask Shane? Write in here. And coming soon...HR Brew. Be one of the first subscribers to our upcoming newsletter on all things human resources.




Paper Menus Aren't Coming Back

Phone scanning QR code at resturant

Albert Hu/Unsplash

2021 has a faint scent of 2011: The cool kids are dressing like they’re in Gossip Girl, Drake and Kanye are hyping up albums, and QR codes are trying to make it big in the US. At least one of them is succeeding. 

Invented in 1994 by a Japanese engineer, QR codes have been ubiquitous in Chinese payments apps for years. But recently they've become a staple of US restaurant menus and checkout registers as companies made transactions as touchless as possible during the pandemic.

  • Over the last 18 months, QR code downloads have increased 750%, according to Bitly. 
  • Half of all full-service restaurants in the US have opted for QR code menus since the beginning of the pandemic, per the National Restaurant Association. 

While pandemic winners like Peloton and Zoom have faltered as vaccinations have ramped up, don’t expect QR codes to disappear. Because of the many advantages they offer businesses, QR codes will be distracting us in restaurants for years to come, experts say. 

What are the implications? 

More tracking. While it might seem like you’re harmlessly ordering a Denny’s Grand Slam after a long day, QR codes track when, where, and how often you scan them. That info is like candy to restaurants, which can use it to more closely track consumer behavior. 

  • Privacy experts warn that rules largely don’t exist to dictate what restaurants can and can’t do with that info, like, say, sell it to a third-party delivery app that desperately wants to send you notifications about ordering takeout.

More scams. The ease of creating a QR code is one of the reasons why it’s so accessible for businesses, but it also increases opportunities for fraud. You can’t predict where a code will take you until you open it, making it difficult to know if it’s a scam or not.

  • The Better Business Bureau even issued a warning this summer around fraudulent QR codes.

Replacing human workers. We’ve been worried about technology stealing our jobs since Edison’s lightbulb replaced the candle boy. But the QR code makes it real.

  • Without the need for servers to take orders and deliver bills, some restaurants have cut 30%–50% of labor costs by using QR code menus, according to Tom Sharon, cofounder of the startup Cheqout, which builds the tech for those menus. Economic downturns have historically been catalysts for automation, forcing struggling businesses to cut costs where they can. 

Bottom line: Just like any technology, QR codes invite both promise and peril.




Hello mealtime, our old friend. It’s HelloFresh. They’re still America's #1 meal kit, but now you can add everyday food essentials, breakfast items, snacks, desserts, spice blends, and so much more yuminess to your order. Choose from 50 weekly menu and market items and have them delivered directly to your door. Sign up today for 14 free meals, plus free shipping.




Open House

Welcome to Open House, the only newsletter section that dares to ask the question, “Why go to a wildlife preserve when you can live in the hollow remains of one?” We’ll give you a few facts about a listing, and you try to guess the price.

7,458 square-foot house in Minnesota on beach-front property filled with hundreds of taxidermied animals.


Strap in for some more rich people nonsense as we head to Cold Spring, Minnesota—90 minutes northwest of Minneapolis. This 7,458 square-foot Cabela’s wannabe is a lakefront property with a beach, where you’ll want to spend most of your time to escape the watchful eye of the many taxidermied animals. Amenities include:

  • 4 beds, 5 baths
  • Indoor jacuzzi tub up rock stairs
  • Custom, walk-in shower
  • Warthog in the bedroom

How much to be a big-game hunter in the sheets (and the rest of the home)? Scroll to the bottom of the newsletter to find out.




Just Click It

1. No one will read your book—and other truths about publishing. (Elle Griffin)
2. The war in Afghanistan was far, far different from how it has been depicted in American media. (MSNBC)
3. The guerrilla artist who fixed LA’s worst freeway sign. (theLAnd)
4. A fleeting website about the possibility of love online. (The internet onion)
5. The perils of having an infamous name twin, written by Elizabeth Holmes. (Marie Claire)
6. On Yugoslav cuisine. (Vittles)
7. The silent architects behind the speed-climbing routes at the Tokyo Olympics. (Gym Climber)
8. An analysis of “Scenes from an Italian Restaurant.” (Strong Songs)
9. She’s the investor guru for online creators. (New York Times)
10. New York stories. (Vimeo)

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Meme Battle

Welcome back to Morning Brew's Meme Battle, where we crown a single memelord every Sunday.

Today's winner: Kevin in Oklahoma City, OK

Meme contest winner

This week's challenge: You can find the new meme template here for next Sunday. Once you're done making your meme, submit it at this link for consideration.




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$1.45 million

September 3, 2021

California’s Recall Election Has Already Been Stolen
California’s gubernatorial recall election is officially September 14, but “Election Day” has ceased to have any meaning, Mail-in ballots were automatically sent to every registered voter on... Read More ›
Designed for versatility and ease of use, you can recharge EasyPower batteries pretty much anywhere there's a USB port - including solar powered devices like the Pocket Light and EnerPlex Solar Charger. The EasyPower is one of the best AA batteries for su... Read More ›
BREAKING: Pennsylvania Senator Calls for Hearings Next Week on Election Fraud
Pennsylvania Senate leader Jake Corman joined Steve Bannon on the War Room on Thursday night.Senator Jake Corman is calling for hearings to begin next week regarding the 2020 Election in the state. ... Read More ›
Dan Crenshaw Slams Pelosi Dems for Covering for Biden on Afghanistan Disaster
When Rep. Dan Crenshaw criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a Fox News interview on Wednesday, it was much more than a response to the loggerheads moment on Capitol Hill.It was even more than an... Read More ›
NEW: Pro-Antifa Teacher Caught on Video Bragging About Radicalizing Students
The pro-Antifa California teacher caught on undercover video bragging about indoctrinating students to become Antifa revolutionaries will be fired as a result of the Project Veritas exposé.Gabriel... Read More ›
Will Terrorists Be Able to Simply Walk Onto Outbound US Planes?
The Biden administration’s long series of unforced errors just keeps on growing.Former FBI Special Agent Kenneth Gray, who worked in the bureau’s counterterrorism division, warned that terrorists... Read More ›
Dirty trick to end a fight in 3 sec
You too may face a violent attacker or a bully who means you real harm. Don't end up like this I'd rather see you 'fight dirty', knock your attacker on his butt in seconds and get the hell outa dodge... Read More ›

SUNDAY 9.5.2021





Breaking News from

Vet Rescue Groups: Biden Tally Misses Hundreds Left in Afghanistan

Special: Top Researcher Exposes the Truth About Vitamins

CDC: Fully Vaxxed Shouldn't Worry About Boosters Yet

Tom Brady Says He Had COVID-19 in February

More Links:

Insider Secret Hands You FREE MONEY From Social Security

Encyclopaedia Britannica | On This Day
September 05
Crazy Horse


Crazy Horse

Sioux chief

dust disk around black hole in NGC 4261



Evidence provided for black hole theory

Britannica Premium Ad - Know better and scroll smarter this year with Britannica premium.


Phyllis Schlafly


Mother Teresa

Jim Henson and Kermit the Frog

Gerald Ford

Munich massacre, 1972 Olympic Games




BREAKING NEWS: Democrats Get DEVASTATING Surprise - The Last Thing They Ever Wanted!
This alone could destroy them >>

Democrats Move To FLIP IT - Desperate Scheme Confirmed

Donald Trump RECORD Request - Big News!

Donald Trump RECORD Request - Big News!


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Learn more about RevenueStripe...

Today's News Articles

Biden Press Conference GOES WRONG - Disturbing Report...

Biden Press Conference GOES WRONG - Disturbing Report...


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Countries Just HALTED IT Without Warning...

Countries Just HALTED IT Without Warning...


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Leaked TALIBAN Footage Released - Look What It Shows!

Leaked TALIBAN Footage Released - Look What It Shows!


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Democrats VIOLATE Key Rule... Punishment Requested!

Democrats VIOLATE Key Rule... Punishment Requested!


Read This Alert >>>

Read it Here >>


BOMBSHELL: Almost 90 Military Officials JOIN Effort - Look What They're Doing!
Social Media Guru LAUNCHES Operation
JUST IN: Special Team LAUNCHED - They're Going In!

A New Type Of "Punishment" in the Middle East - It's Pure Evil
a new type of punishment in the middle east its pure evil
Read it Here >>


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Why We Are Divided: The Case of Larry Elder

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The Government and CDC Are Lying About COVID-19 Vaccine and Ivermectin; The Question Is Why?

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This Australian Method of Tracking COVID Compliance is Downright Creepy

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Happy Labor Day! Californians to Pay Their Highest Gas Prices Ever For This Time of Year

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Navy Declares 5 Missing Sailers Died from Helicopter Crash

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Oregon Governor Sued Over Vaccine Mandate

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John Kerry Once More Pushing for Cutting Emissions at Cost of Addressing China's Human Rights Abuses

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NBA Hall of Famer Says Pro Athletes Refusing to Receive the COVID Vaccine are 'Selfish'

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Woke Companies Must Wake Up on ESG

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Iran’s Air Defense, an Empty Bluff!

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We Need a Hero – and This Book Delivers

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The Troubles with Biden's Brain

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Picture This: The 2024 GOP Dream Team

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Biden Claims to Protect Women While Sending Afghanistan’s Back to the Stone Age

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Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Unarmed Uber Drivers Targeted In Chicago Carjackings | Cam Edwards

David Frum To Gun Owners: "All Y’all Look Alike!" | Ranjit Singh

Armed Barber Speaks Out After Defensive Gun Use | Cam Edwards

New Texas Law Aims At Anti-Gun Banks | Cam Edwards

NM Democrats Propose "Crime Prevention" Measures | Tom Knighton


EXCLUSIVE: Biden Admin Sending Afghans to Swing States Where They Will Be Housed

Hemingway: The Left Will Manipulate Everything From The Supreme Court To You

Don’t Let General Milley Use Wokeness To Survive Afghanistan Disaster

Continuing Immigration Surge Leads to Troubling Border Record Being Set

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