Sunday, September 26, 2021


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September 26, 2021 | View Online | Sign Up


A forgettable boss

Gritty speaks

The $1 trillion coin can save us


Editor's Note


Good morning. What is the goal of Life? To accumulate the most money.

That’s what I learned from reading the obituary of Reuben Klamer, the creator of the board game, The Game of Life, who died this week at 99.

When The Game of Life was introduced, in 1960, the purpose was to earn the most wealth. The way you got there was simple enough—by going to college, getting a job, buying insurance, saving for retirement. That was “indicative of what sold in that era,” a former Hasbro VP told the NYT.

Over time, designers realized that the game didn’t reflect consumers’ changing views of #lifegoals. So they gave it a big update in 2007, allowing players to score points for virtuous deeds like saving an endangered species, opening a health-food chain, and recycling. And instead of starting the game at point A and finishing at point Z, there is no fixed path: You decide how you want to spend your time.

One question that popped up for me: If the popular view of what matters in life changed so much in less than 50 years, who’s to say it won’t shift again in the next 50? How will you win Life in 2057?

—Neal Freyman




Stock Watch

Stock Watch




Icebreakers with...Gritty

Gritty in front of Philadelphia skyline

Philadelphia Flyers

When it comes to Gritty, the sublime mascot of the NHL’s Philadelphia Flyers, you’re either scared of what he’s capable of or scared of how much you love him. Sometimes it’s both. However you feel about this giant orange chaos monster, you can’t deny that he’s a marketing masterpiece, a living, breathing meme, and that he is now three years old after celebrating his birthday on Friday (but rumor has it that he has been around for much longer).

Morning Brew caught up with Gritty to discuss the big three: social media, sports, and Philly cheesesteaks.

If Gritty went public as a company, what would your trading ticker be?

GRITTY. I’m already public. I may root for the Flyers but I belong to the people.

On balance, do you think social media is good or bad for society?

Yes, I do. There’s a lot of negativity on the internet and oftentimes it finds those who go looking for it. I like to keep my ish positive and entertaining for my Gritizens.

What do you see as the main purpose of a sports mascot?

I guess your typical sports mascot exists to take photos with fans, start a few crowd chants, and support the local community. I do that stuff, too, though I wouldn’t describe myself as typical. To quote my second favorite playwright: “I am not what I am.”—Willy Shakespeare

I think what Mr. Shakespeare was trying to say was that although I am a sports mascot, I don’t allow the construct of sports mascottery to define who I am or what I do. I have so much more to give.

Pat’s or Geno’s?

Any true Philadelphian knows that you can’t provide a correct answer to a wrong question.

Would you ever go solo?


Which social platform is best for engagement with fans?

They all have their perks I guess. I like to engage with my Gritizens the old-fashioned way: face to fur.

What’s the best hockey movie?

There are the obvious picks...Miracle, Mighty Ducks, The Tooth Fairy starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (ppl don’t talk about it but this movie put DJ on the map...there is no Jungle Cruise without The Tooth Fairy), but the best hockey movie is easily MVP: Most Valuable Primate. Sometimes I just kick my feet up at lunch and throw it in my Blu-ray player. That whole MVP trilogy will go down as one of the best in modern cinema. How they ever found a chimpanzee that was good at hockey, skateboarding, and snowboarding is beyond me. But that’s Hollywood.

If you find yourself wanting more Gritty (and who doesn’t?), you can read our full interview here.

This interview has been edited, condensed, and translated from Gritty’s native tongue for clarity.



Coasts Are Costly


Are you sick of sky-high taxes? Done with pricey real estate? Frustrated by super cutthroat talent pools? 

It’s probably the coastal city blues getting you down; buck(eye) up and consider Ohio. It’s the perfect place to grow your business while cutting costs and finding top-rate talent. 

Ohio was ranked the No. 1 Most Affordable State in 2020 by US News Rankings. That same year, it was No. 3 on Moody’s Housing Affordability index. Basically, in Ohio you can buy a latte without having to double-check your bank statement first. 

The business-friendly cat’s out of the bag. In 2020, Ohio’s venture capital growth rate was three times faster than California’s and five times faster than Washington’s (two of the world’s largest tech hubs). 

Whether you want to start a new business or grow your existing one, there’s a four-letter word for opportunity: Ohio.

Visit to learn more




Is My Boss Clueless or Simply a Jerk?

Boss from Office Space


Each week, our workplace whisperer Shane Loughnane answers a reader-submitted question about work in 2021. Anything bothering you at work? Ask Shane here.

I am a senior-level manager at a company of about 125 people. Recently, my organization held its first big summer outing in two years—and my first, since I had only been with the company for 12 months. It was a sunset tour around the bay, drink tickets included. I had to skip the event to meet a compressed deadline. I was the only one in my relatively small department who could not go. My boss never inquired ahead of time nor said anything afterward about my not being able to attend. Is he a clueless jerk for this, or 'dems just the breaks?—Jill

I’ll start by making the case for your boss: Some people value and practice discretion differently than others—if your boss is still getting to know you, there’s a decent chance that his not inquiring about your RSVP was out of respect for your privacy (as opposed to being too busy divvying up your allotted drink tickets). Incidentally, consider that he may not realize that the reason you had to pass was in fact work-related.

Even as we extend some benefit of the doubt, it’s hard to justify the fact that he hasn’t checked in afterward with something as simple as, “We missed you at the summer outing!” I suppose there are further limbs we could climb out on—him not wanting to make you feel bad about having missed out, or perhaps you’ve been appointed as the Designated Survivor of the organization and they’ve simply neglected to tell you. However you slice it, though, it’s just not a great look.

Having established that I’m “Team Jill,” where do we go from here? Before pressing George Costanza’s jerk store line into action, it’s worth considering how your first 12 months have gone otherwise. Was this omission part of a broader pattern of behavior from your boss, or an isolated act of thoughtlessness? If the former, I think you owe it to yourself to have a conversation with him about the impact these actions are having on your overall job satisfaction.

If the incident feels more singular, I might leave it alone at this point (although if you wanted to address it, I wouldn’t blame you). When the next company outing rolls around, initiate a chat with your boss about any conflicting work on your team’s plate. If there’s no realistic solution where everyone can attend without jeopardizing a key deadline, then perhaps it’s someone else’s turn to sit a good time out. Your department may be small, but there’s no reason ’dem breaks (and ’dem drink tickets) can’t be distributed equitably.

Have a question about work you want to ask Shane? Write in here. And coming soon...HR Brew. Be one of the first subscribers to our upcoming newsletter on all things human resources.




The Legend of the $1 Trillion Platinum Coin

Coin spinning


You may have heard that a deadline to suspend the debt ceiling is rapidly approaching, and if lawmakers don’t do anything it could lead to “economic catastrophe,” in the words of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

But what if we told you there was a solution to the debt ceiling fiasco so just might work?

The solution: Yellen could have the Treasury mint a $1 trillion platinum coin, deposit it at the Fed to “retire” loads of US federal debt, and then enable the government to carry on with business as usual without having to worry about defaulting on its existing debt.

But can the Treasury really do that? Yes. According to Section 31 US Code § 5112...

  • “The Secretary may mint and issue platinum bullion coins and proof platinum coins in accordance with such specifications, designs, varieties, quantities, denominations, and inscriptions as the Secretary, in the Secretary’s discretion, may prescribe from time to time.”

The law is crystal clear, and has been deemed kosher by numerous academics. “The statute clearly does authorize the issuance of trillion-dollar coins,” Laurence Tribe, a Harvard Law professor, told Washington Monthly back in 2013.

In fact, nothing says we have to stop at $1 trillion. Yellen could go big with a $10 trillion coin, hypothetically. As Bloomberg’s Joe Weisenthal explains, none of this would lead to inflation because it’s merely an “accounting trick”—not an influx of money into the economy.

Have we tried this before? The $1 trillion platinum coin idea seems to pop up every time the US faces a debt ceiling crunch. It was first introduced by a Georgia lawyer in 2010 and gained traction during the debt-ceiling crisis of 2011.

Things really turned up in 2013, when the government guessed it, facing another debt ceiling deadline. The hashtag #MintTheCoin became popular on Twitter, and economists like Paul Krugman advocated for unleashing the coin. “If we have a crisis over the debt ceiling, it will be only because the Treasury Department would rather see economic devastation than look silly for a couple of minutes,” he wrote.

But each time the $1 trillion coin is mentioned as a way of resolving debt ceiling problems, the people in charge dismiss it as a distraction from Congress doing its job. “Neither the Treasury nor the Federal Reserve believes that the law can or should be used to produce platinum coins for the purpose of avoiding an increase in the debt limit,” The Treasury wrote during...well, yes, another debt ceiling emergency in 2015.

As for our current predicament, the Biden administration rejected the minting of the $1 trillion coin yet again last week.

Bottom line: Perhaps some enterprising future Treasury Secretary will manifest the platinum coin into existence, but for now it remains as mythical as Camelot.




Big questions, real change. There are a lot of people out there working hard to build us a world that works. And our executive chairman, Alex Lieberman, is going to be speaking with them during our new Twitter Spaces series powered by our partners at GE. Tackling topics like energy, healthcare, and aviation, these chats will be as enlightening as they are entertaining (pinky promise). Our first discussion with our partners at GE about the energy transition is on October 7th, and you can sign up on your mobile device to listen right here.




Open House

Welcome to Open House, the only newsletter section that is so fall-themed right now it HURTS. We’ll give you a few facts about a listing and you try to guess how much it costs.

Yellow Vintage Colonial home in Maine with bonus log cabin and red barn.


Today’s listing is located in Woolwich, Maine, about a 40-minute drive south of the capital, Augusta. Woolwich is surrounded by three different rivers and Merrymeeting Bay, so this home is technically on a peninsula (go geography!). This 8,000-square-foot Vintage Colonial was built in 1780 and is what true autumn dreams are made of. Amenities include:

  • 5 beds, 5 baths
  • Bonus log cabin AND barn
  • HUGE porch you could get lost in
  • At least 20 Revolutionary War ghosts

How much to curl up by one of the many fireplaces and sip hot cider in the Maine countryside?




1. Memestocks and Reddit redesigns. (Margins)
2. When McDonald’s came to Denmark. (Matt Bruenig)
3. The secrets of the world’s greatest free diver. (GQ)
4. Earth’s submarine fiber optic cable network. (Reddit)
5. Gig workers are uncertain, scared, and barely scraping by. (Rest of World)
6. The childcare industry is too important to fail. (Men Yell at Me)
7. How I amassed more T-shirts than I can store. (New Yorker)
8. The power of the pentatonic scale in music. (World Science Festival)
9. Paradise lost: The rise and ruin of (Input)
10. Homegrown medical-grade cannabis requires some complex technology. (Emerging Tech Brew)

Step up. This fall, make it happen—stylishly. With Cole Haan’s seasonal essentials, you can be ready to head back to work, school, and LIFE. Check out their new collection here, then become an Above & Beyond member to get 10% off your first purchase.*

*This is sponsored advertising content




Meme Battle

Welcome back to Morning Brew's Meme Battle, where we crown a single memelord every Sunday.

Today's winner: Martin Vogel in Germany

Meme contest winner

This week's challenge: You can find the new meme template here for next Sunday. Once you're done making your meme, submit it at this link for consideration.




$1.6 million

 Jen Psaki lost it when Fox News asked why Joe Biden never did this one simple thing

The Biden administration is losing control of the narrative.

That’s becoming clear watching Jen Psaki’s daily White House press briefings.

And Jen Psaki lost it when Fox News asked why Joe Biden never did this one simple thing.

Click here to read the full story >>

North Korea Issues NUCLEAR Arms Race Warning...

North Korea Issues NUCLEAR Arms Race Warning...


Encyclopaedia Britannica | On This Day
September 26
T.S. Eliot


T.S. Eliot

American-English poet, playwright, and literary critic

Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy in presidential debate



First televised U.S. presidential debate

Britannica Premium Ad - Know better and scroll smarter this year with Britannica premium.


Jacques Chirac
Slap Shot
The Brady Bunch
the Beatles
The Beverly Hillbillies
George Gershwin










Biden Sides with the Criminals

Katie Pavlich

The FBI Has 99 Problems and Right-Wing Extremists Aren't One

Kurt Schlichter

The Pope Just Called An American TV Network Satanic for Criticizing Him

Larry O'Connor

Worse Than Slavery (And Other Dumb Things Democrat Say)

Derek Hunter

Police, Fire, Military Being Gutted by Vaccine Mandate: Is This China's Plan to Destroy the USA?

Wayne Allyn Root

A Quick, Compelling Bible Study Vol. 80: Earthquakes, Plague, Drought, Floods, Fire - Oh My God!

Myra Kahn Adams

DeSantis Awards Florida’s Medal of Freedom to Che Guevara Captor Felix Rodriguez

Humberto Fontova

Resilience and Love in Louisiana

Kathryn Lopez

This New Peer-Reviewed Article Could Be a Game-Changer

Rob Jenkins

What Does It Mean That So Many Americans Support Roe v. Wade?

Rebecca Downs

NYC Vaccine Mandate for Teachers Delayed by Federal Judge Just Days Before Set to Go into Effect

Rebecca Downs

House Budget Committee Passes Spending Bill

Rebecca Downs

NBA Player Denied Religious Exemption from San Francisco's Vaccine Mandate, Will Not Play Home Games

Landon Mion

CBP: Del Rio Border Crossing Set to Reopen

Landon Mion

Joe Biden Made Quite the Comparison About American and Indian Press During Meeting with Prime Minister Modi

Rebecca Downs

ASU Students Harassed, Called Racist by Peers at Multicultural Center for Being White, Supporting Police

Landon Mion

Will the 2020 Summer of Hate Ever End?

Loyd Pettegrew

Pennsylvania Supreme Court in Position to Hand Our Commonwealth to Abortion Extremists

Jeanne Mancini

Will American Jews Abandon the Democratic Party?

Michael Brown

We Need Common Sense Back in Our Schools

Julie Perry

CVS Tells Employees They Need to 'Understand Their Privilege' and Take Action to 'Mitigate Bias'

Landon Mion

'Survivor' Catchphrase Falls Victim to Wokeness

Rebecca Downs

What Pro-Abortion Dems Did Besides Passing So-Called Women's Health Protection Act Adds Insult to Injury

Rebecca Downs

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
NC Gun Safety Course Teaching Kids To Handle Firearms | Tom Knighton

Brady Targets Ace Hardware In New Anti-Gun Campaign | Cam Edwards

Wisconsin AG Thinks GOP Should Stop Questioning Election, Pass Gun Control | Tom Knighton

The Nation: School Shootings Aren't Just In US | Tom Knighton

Virginia Gun Shop Hosts Real Gun Safety Course In City Park | Cam Edwards


Read More

Breaking News from

Israeli Troops Kill Four Hamas Militants in West Bank Raids: Military

Special: If Big Tech Can Censor a Former President of the United States, They Can Censor You!

Turkey Could Buy More Russian Missiles Despite US Warnings

Taliban Ask Airlines to Resume International Flights to Afghanistan


September 24, 2021
Sidney Powell Says ‘Angels’ Are Protecting Her From Being Murdered
Attorney Sidney Powell insisted recently that she is uncovering evidence of fraud in the 2020 election “every single day.”Powell made the claim during an interview with faith healer Andrew Wommack... Read More ›
The Imminent Danger From Within Our Borders
This is as real as it gets. And it has nothing to do with terrorism and hoarded weapons of mass destruction. This imminent danger is hidden well inside our own borders, carefully scattered across a few strategic…... Read More ›
We Just Witnessed The Largest One Year Increase In Murder In The History Of The US
Our violent, blood-soaked culture has produced a violent, blood-soaked reality in our streets.  The final numbers for 2020 have finally been released by the FBI, and they are stunning.  Prior to... Read More ›
Giuliani charges Hunter Biden’s laptop held ‘child porn’
Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City and former lawyer for President Donald Trump, is charging that Hunter Biden had “child porn” on the drive of a laptop computer he abandoned at... Read More ›
The Afghanistan Debacle Was A Major Wake Up Call For NATO
The vestiges of the Trump administration’s “America first” foreign policy have forced Europe to consider more autonomous defense initiatives. The EU lacks the military capabilities required to... Read More ›
Facebook Cancels GOP Governor After Posts Criticising Biden’s Vaccine Mandate
It must have been the algorithm.It was a mistake. Done in error. A bit of data went astray at a server bank in Utah and — wouldn’t you know it? — GOP Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey found... Read More ›
The FIRST Thing You Should Do When Caught In A Mass Shooting
In the light of the most recent events, I realized that many of us are not properly prepared to ensure their & their family's safety in critical and life-threatening situations. That's why I decided to share with you…... Read More ›

The bizarre thing Bill Gates just said about Jeffrey Epstein could destroy his life

Bill Gates wants nothing more than for people to stop asking him about Jeffrey Epstein.

But that isn’t happening.

And the bizarre thing Bill Gates just said about Jeffrey Epstein could destroy his life.

Click here to read the full story >>

Trump: 'Our Country Has Turned Into a Migrant Camp'; 'This Is an Invasion'

Special: #1 Item to Hoard in 2021

Trump: Only 'Bad Call from a Doctor' Would Prevent 2024 Run

At Least 3 Dead in Amtrak Train Derailment in Montana


‘I will find him’: Dog the Bounty Hunter now on the case in Brian Laundrie manhunt, visits family home

Airman makes desperate TikTok appeal for job tips, says many will take admin. discharge over vaccine order

‘Time to wipe Congress clean!’ MTG likens Dingell to ‘POS that clings too long’ in follow up to Capitol steps shouting match

Nepotism 101: Kamala Harris hires key advisers to help with dismal ratings, Jen Psaki’s brother-in-law tops list

Lara Logan sources linking Covid surge to the mass movement of migrants: ‘That’s what they call a virus bomb’

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BPR’s top cartoons of the week: The ‘green’ signs of hypocrisy

WATCH: Students love Biden’s immigration policies… until they see pictures from Del Rio

Professors worried TX abortion ban will harm ‘trans men’ who look pregnant in public

Yet another leftist tries to silence pro-life students on campus, who seek apology over arrest

Dems sneakily slip radical ‘red flag’ provision into defense budget


Sarah Sanders has 4-word smackdown for critics of her gubernatorial race

Bill Maher takes another bite out of Whoopi: ‘so woke, you come back out the racist side’

DeSantis finds workaround to Biden’s antibody rationing, but warns it’s only temporary

Justice for J6 group was in constant contact with law enforcement ahead of rally


How to Cut and Serve Every Kind of Cheese

Fun fact. Technically, charcuterie only refers to meat. So when you’re building out a platter of meats and cheeses, it’s a charcuterie and cheese board. Today, we focus on the cheesy side of things. Because let’s face it. As ironic and dry-witted as we all might think we are, deep down, we love cheesy.  If you’re going to cut the cheese, at least do it the right way. (How’s that for cheesy?)


How to Get Your Hands on a Much-anticipated Bourbon That’s Not Even Out Yet

[Partner]  Don’t say we never did anything for you. We’re partnering up with our friends at Oak & Eden to give you first access to a bottle of bourbon everyone wants first access to. Crafted in collaboration with Marker Cellars Winery in the Texas hills, the eight-time gold medalist Bourbon & Vine bottle is back for its fourth seasonal release. Beginning with Oak & Eden’s award winning Bourbon whiskey, and finished with a Cabernet Sauvignon-steeped French Oak spire, Bourbon & Vine is an experience like none other.  Get it before anyone else.


That Time Italy Attempted to Build Its Own Las Vegas (But Then Abandoned It)

We’re not sure what Italy needs. But we do know what it doesn’t need. A Vegas. Like all terrible ideas, this stemmed from a billionaire with a little too much confidence. His idea? A place in Italy where the party never stops. Until it did.  Here’s what remains.


What Happened to the Antarctic Snow Cruiser that Disappeared?

Back in the 40s, the South Pole was like Mars. We tried exploring it but couldn’t really figure out how. Until this snow cruiser became a thing, which housed explorers and could theoretically withstand the unforgiving environment. Did it work? Well, we’re not 100% sure. But no. It did not.  It just... Disappeared?


Seinfeld and Its Movie References

We had no idea how many movie references there were in Seinfeld. But we’re glad someone took the time to edit this to enlighten us. They make the Seinfeld sequences even more hilarious. Which we didn’t think was possible. But it is.  That is one magic loogie.



This Mundane but Oddly Captivating Blockbuster Training Video from the 1990s

They don’t make training videos like they used to. We’re not sure if that’s a good or bad thing after watching this. All we can say is that, for some reason, we couldn’t stop watching this one from Blockbuster circa sometime in the 90s. Which certainly can’t be said for any training video we’ve seen on phishing lately.  What we would give to be on this set.


The Mixer

The possibility of uploading info to your brain. The best small U.S. towns to retire in. This guy who’s cumming out of his butt. The latest in smart toilets. How many boners you’ll have in your life. Should you roll or fold? How to get your bartender to make you a stronger drink. How to finish your basement without actually finishing it. The glorious marriage of whiskey and wine in one bottle.*




@jguzmannn | Oregon


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Daily update September 26, 2021


Armed man at US Open of Surfing site in California is killed by police | Fox News
Fox News Flash top headlines are here. Check out what's clicking on The California beach where the U.S. Open of Surfing is taking place this ...
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'Dog the Bounty Hunter' joins the search for Brian Laundrie - Fox 13
The Laundrie family did not answer the door for Duane 'Dog' Chapman, who chatted with neighbors before leaving. Video via FOX News Digital. NORTH PORT, Fla. - ...
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Michigan driver accused of killing woman, dumping body in woods | Fox News
Fox News Flash top headlines are here. Check out what's clicking on A woman's body was found in a wooded area in southwestern Michigan, miles from ...
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Fresh calls for Fox News to fire Tucker Carlson over 'replacement theory' - The Guardian
After the Anti-Defamation League renewed its call for Tucker Carlson to be fired from Fox News for voicing the racist “great replacement” theory about ...
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Biden swipes American press in front of Indian PM Modi: 'The Indian press is much better ...
Biden selling $1.2 infrastructure bill as 'all paid for'. Fox News congressional correspondent Chad Pergram has the details on 'Your World'. President Biden ...
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Megan Fox on Instagram: “Whatever daddy says ”
Photo by Megan Fox on September 25, 2021. May be an image of 1.
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FOX 13 News - Tampa Bay - Live Look at Laundrie home | Facebook
FOX 13 News - Tampa Bay is live now. 1 hr ·. WATCH LIVE: Take a live look outside the Laundrie family home as law enforcement continues to search for Brian ...
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Darwin 'Dars' Fox Obituary | Star Tribune
Fox, Darwin (Dars) Age 67 of Maple Grove, passed away September 22, 2021. Darwin was born to Robert & Ardis Fuchs on June 19, 1954 in Sauk Centre, MN.
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