Monday, August 29, 2011


Dear Fellow Conservative,

The smear campaign to silence critics of Islamic terror took a great leap forward today. I am one of the targets because of my speeches to students about the pro jihadis spreading their message of hate in our universities. My Freedom Center colleague Robert Spencer, author of several courageous books about radical Islam and director of the early warning website, is another.

The attack came this morning from Think Progress — an organization created by billionaire George Soros, puppet master of the left wing of the Democratic Party — in the form of a report written by Faiz Shakir and others called Fear Inc: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America. As you may know, "Islamophobia," is the new favorite attack term of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Hamas-spinoff CAIR and assorted other Marxist groups. They allege that it is the alleged pathological hatred of religious ideas and political practices associated with Islam. But in reality the term is an effort to silence any criticism of Islam — of the oppression and mutilation of women and murder of homosexuals advocated by its most radical elements, for instance, or of the calls by imams to kill Jews and infidels — by making the critic guilty of a "thought crime."

The Think Progress report singles out seven foundations and claims they have contributed $42 million to sponsor the leaders of the "Islamophobia" movement, Robert and me among them. In fact, the $42 million is the total given over decades by these foundations the report smears for many causes unrelated to criticism of Islamic terror, misogyny and Jew-hatred. George Soros and his network give this kind of money every year to support the agenda of progressive fascism of groups such as Think Progress.

It is no mystery why Robert and I are singled out for attack. We have been the Islamists' worst nightmare. We know that Muslim terrorists have a vested interest in accusing their critics of being anti-Muslim and we aren't afraid to say so. Just this week we have published a new pamphlet called Islamophobia: Thought Crime of the Totalitarian Future. It documents how the term "Islamophobia" was created by the Muslim Brotherhood as a weapon designed to silence its critics and allow it to continue its stealth jihad against America.

Ninety nine percent of the funding for the David Horowitz Freedom Center comes from over 100,000 individual donors. The Think Progress report is not only an effort to silence Robert Spencer and me, but also an effort to intimidate people like you who have supported our work. That is why I ask you to stand with us and show that you see through the subterfuges of these enablers of jihad and they will not get away with silencing Robert and me — or you.

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