Sunday, September 11, 2011


Pat Buchanan: 9/11 Led to Wars, March of Folly
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Recalls 'Field of Honor' in Book
Exclusive: Pataki Tells Why He Had 'Freedom Tower' Built
9/11 Full Coverage: See Newsmax's Special Homepage Honoring our Heroes
Get the 9/11 Photo that Inspired Us Forever

First Greece. Then Portugal, Ireland. Now Italy. Is the U.S. Next?
4 Signs of An Imminent Heart Attack. Don't Ignore Them.
The IRS Hates This Book. Pay Zero Taxes.
Scientists baffled:
What was missing in Japan?
There was an article in the US World Report regarding the orderly behavior of the Japanese citizens and the absence of looting after the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear nightmare. Social scientists were baffled by the total non-existence of looting and savage behavior in Japan considering the magnitude of this catastrophe. They conferred with human study organizations as well as sociology experts throughout the United States . Finally, after days and days of studies and meetings, they came to a conclusion.
Guess what was missing in  Japan??
                 The entitlement crowd!

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