Monday, September 12, 2011


September 12, 2011 - Today's NewsView in browser

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Christopher Hitchens: An Atheist's Gift To Sarah Palin

Jon Stewart: 'Rick Perry is Going to Be Our Next President'
Glenn Beck is Back! It's not a good day to be a liberal - correction - there's never a good day to be a liberal, but today is especially a bad day to be a liberal because Glenn Beck is back!

Breaking News from

Former Vice President Dick Cheney tells Newsmax's Ron Kessler that he has no doubt Israel, if necessary, will launch a military strike on Iran to prevent it from obtaining nuclear weapons.

1. Sabato: 7 States Will Decide ’12 Election
2. Al Gore: Climate Change Akin to Terrorist Threat
3. Clinton Staffer Erskine Bowles Joins Facebook Board
4. ACLU: Give Students Access to Gay Websites
5. Older Americans Still Saddled With Mortgage Debt
6. We Heard: Obama Family, Al Gore

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