Sunday, October 16, 2011


Behind Enemy Lines: Perry Campaign Keeping the Faith in New Hampshire
Guy Benson
Democrats, the Media and the Heart of the "Occupy" Movement
Derek Hunter
Parents Obsessed with Texting + Ignored Kids = Hell to Pay
Doug Giles
Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers
John Ransom
Obama's Pennsylvania Problem
Salena Zito
Barack Obama, Drug Warrior
Debra J. Saunders
The one-in-a-million problem
Paul Jacob

Official: Obama Owns Three Largest Deficits Ever
Bob Beauprez
Occupy Wall Street Protests Go Global, Turn Violent in Rome
Mike Shedlock
Bashing Ben Bernanke
Steve Chapman
Occupy This!
Austin Hill
Steve Jobs and American Exceptionalism
Ed Feulner
A grisly tragedy in the culture of death
Alan Sears
Change at the Top Creates Jobs at the Bottom
Marita Noon

Birth Certificate Makes Slim Pickings for Obama Presidential Library
Mark Baisley
Self-Direct Your Retirement
Kathy Fettke
God Bless Them
Paul Kengo



Latest Political News


Occupy Chicago: 'Isreal is a criminal pariah state'

Heavy Weapons Found ins Massive Drug Bust

Perry Reveals Jobs Plan

GOP Reveals Jobs Plan

Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. O'Reilly: Kid Stuff
  2. Benson: Behind Enemy Lines
  3. Hewitt: The President's Debatable Abilities
  4. Brown: Occupy Wall Street is a Menace, Prepare for Violence
  5. Goodman: The Politics of Race
  6. Fontova: Harry Belafonte Insults Herman Cain—but Hails Fidel Castro
  7. Glick: A Pact Signed in Jewish Blood
  8. Malkin: Costs of the Occupiers
  9. Deace: What Pastor Robert Jeffries Should Have Said
  10. Lambro: The Numbers of Cain

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