Friday, October 14, 2011


Costs of the Occupiers
Michelle Malkin
Obama's Weakness Invited Iran's Plot
Mona Charen
The Diminishing Returns of Reasonableness
Jonah Goldberg
Obama Will Not Be Deterred
David Limbaugh
GOP's Lugar Resigns from Occupy Wall Street Support Group
John Ransom
Protests, Justice and Fruit Flies
Oliver North
Is the New World Order Unraveling?
Pat Buchanan

At Last, Fun on the Hustings
Suzanne Fields
Obama's Partisan Makeover
Michael Gerson
A Colorblind America
Linda Chavez
Fact vs. Fiction
Paul Greenberg
More Republican Racists Support Cain
Jeff Carter
Totally Random Questions for a Friday in October
Political Calculations
Congressional Approval Rating Drops to 13%, Ties Record Low; Mish's Congressional Scorecard
Mike Shedlock

$1.24 billion for solar jobs – in Mexico
Bob Beauprez
When's the Market's Next Big Move?
Jack Bouroudjian
Millionaire 101
Bob Goldman
Get Big Pharma Out of Government
Lincoln Brown
We've Been Warned
Cliff May
Today's Cartoons

Latest Political News

Republicans Want Women to Die on the Floor - According to Pelosi

No Wood, No Music: Guitar Industry Threatened After Federal Seizure

Hulk Hogan: An Obama Fan No Longer

Speaker at Occupy LA Calls for Violent Revolution

Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Coulter: Wingless, Bloodsucking and Parasitic
  2. Elder: Herman Cain to Blacks
  3. Hanson: Predator in Chief
  4. Barone: Congress, Governors Nix Obama's High-speed Trains
  5. Reagan: Pampered Protesters
  6. Thomas: Politics and Religion 2012 Version
  7. Towery: American Meltdown
  8. Tyrrell: Cain's Moment
  9. Saunders: Pop Goes the Green Jobs Bubble
  10. Williams: It's Hard To Be a Racist
Concern Over the NYPD's Counterterrorism Methods
Stewart Scott

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