Sunday, October 16, 2011



Rep. Mike Rogers: Don't Rule Out Military Option Against Iran
The ‘Unthinkable’ Could Happen — Wall Street Journal50% unemployment, 100% annual inflation, a 90% stock market crash by 2012. See the Evidence. Click Here.
Con Ed Aims to Evict Ground Zero Mosque for Unpaid Rent
Andrew Young: Heed MLK's Call for Dissent Without Violence
Cantor: People Justifiably Angry Over Lack of Jobs
More Links:
Special: Is Your 401(k) Where You Hoped? Are Your Retirement Dreams on Hold? See Full Story
How Much Sugar Do You Eat Every Day? See This Photo.
Top Doctors Share Secrets to Surviving Cancer
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2012 Elections: Second Most Historic in History?

How Obama Measures Up Against Cain

Today's Politically Incorrect Laugh:
(Click to Enlarge)

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