Sunday, October 16, 2011


Judge Blocks 'Release of Emails Kagan Sent WH -- Says They're 'Personal’

Nazis and Communists Throw Their Support Behind Occupy Wall Street Movements


LaPierre: Fast & Furious Was Plot Against Second Amendment
The government-sanctioned gunrunning operation Fast and Furious was a plot to undermine Second Amendment rights, NRA president Wayne LaPierre charges in an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV. The Obama administration aimed to make it appear that most weapons used by Mexican cartels came from the U.S. “so they could stick more gun legislation on honest American gun owners” — and is now engaged in a cover-up that rivals Watergate.
To Read the Full Story and See the Video — Go Here Now

ALERT: Milton Friedman's Prophetic Warning About Obama's Destructive Inflation Plan. Go Here Now.
Treasury Officials: Never Saw a Loan Like Solyndra
Bush Sr. Considered Clint Eastwood for VP
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The Average American Eats Twice the Recommended Amount of This Food

Obama Rebuffs House Demand for Solyndra Emails
Exposed: What Are Bernanke and Obama Hiding From You?
Obamacare Foes Rejoice as WH Scraps Home-Care 'Gimmick'
Reagan Adviser Lindsey: Big Shock to US Confidence Still to Come
Judith Miller: BlackBerry Blackout Accents Cyberterror Threat
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Top Doctors Share Secrets to Surviving Cancer
Doctor Reveals: Four Things Happen Just Before a Heart Attack
Get Herman Cain’s New Book, Free Offer

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