Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Poll: Obama Job Approval Now Worse Than Carter's Poll: Obama Job Approval Now Worse Than Carter's

Clinton Tells Developing World to be Wary of DonorsClinton Tells Developing World to be Wary of Donors

Rick Perry Gaffes on Legal Voting Age in New HampshireRick Perry Gaffes on Legal Voting Age in New Hampshire

Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell: Lessons of History? It used to be common for people to urge us to learn "the lessons of history." But history gets much less attention these days and, if there are any lessons that we are offered, they are more likely to be the lessons from current polls or the lessons of political correctness.
Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: Obama's Cloud-Based Transparency At the dawn of his administration, President Obama opined: "A democracy requires accountability, and accountability requires transparency." Magical rays of white-hot sunlight emanated from his media-manufactured halo. And then bureaucratically engineered darkness settled over the land.
John Stossel John Stossel: Blocking the Paths Out of Poverty If government destroys all the paths out of poverty, the welfare state will look like the only way to help the poor. Maybe, in addition to helping entrenched interests, that's the bureaucrats' goal.
Walter E. Williams Walter E. Williams: Ending Income Inequality Benefiting from a hint from an article titled "Is Harry Potter Making You Poorer?", written by my colleague Dr. John Goodman, president of the Dallas-based National Center for Policy Analysis, I've come up with an explanation and a way to end income inequality in America, possibly around the world.
Brent Bozell Brent Bozell: Let's Kill Cain's Campaign From the breaking news, one might think that with a woman who claims she had a 13-year affair with presidential candidate Herman Cain, someone is being seriously exposed as a hypocrite. That would be the press. The media can't deny they continue to display a lousy double standard. For Republican candidates, scandalous news is instant. For Democrats, it's eventual, if at all!
Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg: Courting Joe the Puppeteer Earlier this month, the left highlighted Joe Therrien as a symbol of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Frustrated with the shortcomings of the school system, Therrien quit his job and "set off to get an MFA in his passion -- puppetry." Three years and $35,000 in student-loan debt later, Therrien returned home to find he couldn't land a full-time job. Apparently, a master's in puppetry doesn't provide the competitive edge in the marketplace he'd hoped for.
Mike Adams Mike Adams: Chancellor Miller Tear Down This Wall Dear Dr. Miller: Let me first express my great satisfaction over your selection as our new chancellor at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. I am delighted to have a former Mississippi State Bulldog in charge of our university. I am also impressed by your qualifications. Unlike your predecessor, you were not selected on the basis of your gender or any other irrelevant demographic characteristics.
Tony Blankley Tony Blankley: How to Break the Partisan Fever As a technical matter, many, if not most, congressional historians believe that conscious, congressional partisanship in recent times did not start with the Tea Party or Obama or Bush or Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton in the 90s.
Michael Medved Michael Medved: For GOP Victory - First Drop Conservative Myths Conservative resistance to Mitt Romney’s nomination increasingly emphasizes electability as much as ideology, concentrating on his perceived weaknesses as a candidate along with his inconsistent approach to the issues.
Ben Shapiro Ben Shapiro: Muhammad Hates Diversity This week, in Oakland, Calif., America saw yet another stellar example of the glories of diversity. At a taping of a rap music video in that fair city, eight people, including a one-year-old child, were shot. When a classical music video goes wrong, somebody busts a string. When a rap music video goes wrong, somebody busts a cap.
Terry Jeffrey Terry Jeffrey: Romney Voted for Population-Control Fanatic Presidential Candidate When he ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1992, Paul Tsongas repeatedly made it clear: He loathed President George H.W. Bush's flip-flopping on abortion and his inattentiveness to what Tsongas perceived as the urgent need for global population control.
Austin Bay Austin Bay: Tunisia and Its Islamists: The Revolution, Phase Two The social and economic success of Arab Spring 2011's revolutions hinges on the personal and public integrity of democratic political Islamists, like the leaders of Tunisia's Ennahda Party claim to be.
Dave Ramsey Dave Ramsey: Dave Says Your Husband's Gone Gazelle Intense It sounds to me like your husband has gone gazelle intense about getting out of debt, and in the process may have left you behind a little bit.
Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: Occupied or Vacant The only serious question raised by Occupy Wall Street/Little Rock/(fill in the name of your own city here) is whether it can be taken seriously.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: The War in Europe People in political power often use fear as a stick to get what they want. People with motivation to affect one outcome or another will almost always try to terrify the general public to get what they want.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: More Forecasts from the Keynesian Clown College The Keynesian clown financial prescription is always more-more-more debt until and even after things blow sky high.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: Need for Brazil Debt Kills US Defense Company As the fifth largest major foreign holder of U.S. debt, one whose share of that debt has been growing consistently for several years, the Obama administration may well have made a strategic decision to favor Brazil's Embraer company as a reward for Brazil's growing ranking among all foreign holders of U.S. government-issued debt.
Rich Tucker Rich Tucker: Margarine or butter? My grandmother used to prefer margarine to butter. Whether that was because she thought it was healthier or because she preferred the flavor, we’ll never know. Clearly, though, she hadn’t been paying attention to the federal government.
Rachel Marsden Rachel Marsden: An Alternative Agenda For The Durban Environmental summit Global leaders are set to meet in Durban, South Africa, from Nov. 28 to Dec. 9, in an attempt to figure out how to continue their fight against "climate change" when the first Kyoto Protocol commitment period ends in 2012. Since I'm currently sitting here in the dark with the heat off, perhaps they'd grant me the temporary moral authority to offer a few suggestions for their agenda.
Carrie Schwab Pomerantz Carrie Schwab Pomerantz: Is Preferred Stock Preferable? I'm rarely asked about preferred stock, so I'm happy to shed some light on an often-misunderstood investment.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: The Less-than-Thrilled Case for Extending the Payroll Tax Holiday Democrats in the Senate want to make the temporary tax cut even bigger and “offset” that tax cut with some soak-the-rich tax increases. Republicans, meanwhile, are frozen like deer in the headlights.
Matt Mackowiak Matt Mackowiak: 5 Ways the 2012 Election Has Changed Since the Super Committee's Failure The 2012 political year is right around the corner and the recent failure by the so-called "Super Committee" to reach agreement on $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction will re-cast the environment on Capitol Hill and shape the 2012 campaign.
Donald Lambro Donald Lambro: Ten years after President George W. Bush cut income tax rates, his decision still remains at the epicenter of debate over future economic policy.
Ken Connor Ken Connor: Fiddling While Rome Burns Democrats blame the recent Super Committee's deficit reduction failure on Republican obstinacy and obstructionism. It was the GOP's refusal to raise taxes on the super rich, the Dems maintain, that resulted in the committee's inability to reach a compromise.
Jacob Sullum Jacob Sullum: Romney's Immigration Dodge Precludes Possibility of Reconciling Policy With Reality "I don't believe in amnesty," Mitt Romney said in 2006, but "I don't believe in rounding up 11 million people and forcing them at gunpoint from our country." Although Romney is loath to admit it, the underlying reality remains the same.
Donald Lambro Donald Lambro: The Bush Tax Cut Fight: Bush: 3 -- Obama: 0 Ten years after President George W. Bush cut income tax rates, his decision still remains at the epicenter of debate over future economic policy.
Peter Schiff Peter Schiff: Save Europe by Budget Reform, Not Debt Angela Merkel's refusal to support a Federal Reserve style bailout of European sovereigns and her recent statement the she had no Hank Paulson style fiscal bazooka in her handbag, has lowered the heat.
David Sterman David Sterman: The 3 Best Emerging Markets to Own Today I've decided to profile three emerging economies worth a deeper look. Each of these three markets are valued at less than 10 times projected 2012 earnings, as measured by the stocks held in each of their primary indexes.
Mary Grabar Mary Grabar: News Flash! Progressives Hail 'Founding Fathers,' Praise The Constitution In a turn-around that made the Dissident Prof’s head spin more than Linda Blair’s in The Exorcist, the Center for American Progress, the think tank co-founded by George Soros, posted several articles and held conferences praising (gasp!) the founding fathers. The respectful reference comes in an article posted last month on the organization’s web page, and co-authored by the organization’s longtime President and CEO, now chairman of the board, John Podesta, President Clinton’s Chief of Staff.
Diana West Diana West: Good Riddance to "Ungrateful Volcanoes" Camp Victory, one of only 10 U.S. bases still in operation, will be closed soon. According to the agreement signed in 2008 by President George W. Bush and implemented by President Barack Obama, the U.S. military in Iraq is coming home. In Afghanistan, meanwhile, no preparations for departure are so clearly evident.
Paul  Kengor Paul Kengor: Deer Season a Half Century Ago This week hunters across America storm the woods loaded for deer. For yet another indication of how times have changed, consider this account of deer season a half century ago:
Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell: Gingrich and Immigration Now that Newt Gingrich has become the latest in a series of Republican front-runners, he is getting the kinds of scrutiny and attacks that have done in other front-runners.
Mike Adams Mike Adams: A Five Gun Salute to Great Self Defense Weapons Recently, I have been getting a lot of complaints about the lack of diversity in my opinion column.
Robot Romney Fails To Face Fox's "Center Seat"--Appears Inconvenienced During One-On-One Interview comments  (141)  
Obama Supporters Still Want to Force Catholic Hospitals to Provide Contraception comments  (89)  
Ann Coulter Censored for Calling John McCain the "D" Word on Television comments  (115)  
Last Straw? Cain "Reassessing" Campaign comments  (963)  
Chris Christie Blasts President Obama: What the Hell Are We Paying You For? comments  (92)  
They Want Her in: Run Sarah Run comments  (74)  
Obama Goes Hard Negative comments  (187)  
Tapper to Carney: Say, It Seems Like Obama Is Campaigning on Taxpayers' Dime comments  (148)  
U.S. Economy Turned Negative by Major Credit Rating Agency comments  (170)  
Legal Immigrants Against the DREAM Act comments  (111)  
Romney Trying to Prove He's Not a Flip Flopper comments  (260)  
Gingrich: I'm Not Perfect, Yet Better Than Romney comments  (248)  
Occupy LA Protesters Defy Evictions, Head to Court
Gingrich Mentions Marco Rubio, Allen West as Potential Running Mates comments  (150)  
Woman to Accuse Herman Cain of 13-Year Affair comments  (1362)  
Who's the Tim Tebow of Political Reporters?
Cover Your Ears: Miley Cyrus Releases Pro-Occupy Video comments  (93)  
Where Do National Debt Reduction Donations Go? comments  (58)  
Convict Sues to Expedite...His Own Execution? comments  (43)  
BREAKING: Barney Frank to Retire After 2012 comments  (606)  
What Could Go Wrong? Obama Lecturing EU Leaders on Debt comments  (112)  
[VIDEO] Democrats Slam Romney on Hypocrisy and Flip-Flopping comments  (125)              
     Nasdaq 2515.51 -11.83 (-0.47%)
     S&P 500 1195.19 +2.64 (+0.22%)
     NYSE 7149.71 +0.00 (+0.00)
     10Y Yield 2.00 -0.00 (-0.18%)
Boom: New Hampshire Union-Leader Endorses Newt comments  (320)  
Monday Humor: Finding the "Help Us Now" Guy at OWS comments  (53)  
Why is Homeland Security Funding Research for a Big Cat? comments  (100)  
EXCLUSIVE: Scott Rasmussen Reveals the 5 Things Voters Want in 2012                   comments  (21)  
Chevy Volt Batteries Catching on Fire comments  (100)  
Cain Says Harassment Claims Have Affected Support comments  (106)  
Powell Criticizes Tea Party for Divided Washington comments  (456)  
New Poll: Voters Still Trust GOP More on Economy
U.S. Military Orders Cross Removed from Army Chapel Overseas comments  (240)  
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