Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Election Night 2011: A Mixed Bag for Conservatives Election Night 2011: A Mixed Bag for Conservatives

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Fight Night: Republicans to Debate in Jobs-Starved MichiganFight Night: Republicans to Debate in Jobs-Starved Michigan

Alveda King On Jesse Jackson: "He is a 20th Century Civil Wrong Leader." Alveda King On Jesse Jackson: "He is a 20th Century Civil Wrong Leader."

Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: The Great Stonewall of Obama The White House laments that America hasn't built enough massive government infrastructure projects. Nonsense. At the rate it's growing, the Great Stonewall of Obama may soon be the second largest manmade object visible from outer space.
John Stossel John Stossel: The FDA Kills It would be nice if politicians and regulators left us alone. But they don't. They always want to do more. Recently, there have been shortages of some medicines. Cancer patients can't get drugs they need. Why not?
Walter E. Williams Walter E. Williams: Ignorance Exploited Many Wall Street occupiers are echoing the Communist Party USA's call to "Save the nation! Tax corporations! Tax the rich!" There are other Americans, on both the left and the right -- for example, President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner -- who call for reductions in corporate taxes.
Brent Bozell Brent Bozell: Thanking an Old Friend With a swoosh, the Gulfstream 550 is effortlessly launched into the heavens for the hour-long slingshot from Dallas to Stillwater, the sleek jet headed for Oklahoma State University and the football field bearing the name of our host -- Boone Pickens Stadium. The game against Kansas State University is spectacular, a record 58,750 fans roaring their (now) No. 2-rated Cowboys to an explosive 52-45 victory.
Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg: Blame It on Brokaw You know who I blame for the terrible tone in American politics? Tom Brokaw. No, not the man himself, but what he represents.
Mike Adams Mike Adams: The Right to be Governed There are a number of differences between the college students of the 1960s and the college students of today.
Tony Blankley Tony Blankley: GOP Primary Deadlock? Here's a thought: The GOP presidential primaries may well prove to be inconclusive, with the nominee actually being chosen at the convention in Tampa, Fla., in the fourth week of August next year.
John Ransom John Ransom: Obama Bombs Wrong Target on Open Mic Night Even amongst world leaders Obama pulls the one-up card and the victim card. Impressive. And we thought Obama saved his pettiness for Congress and voters who cling to their guns and religion as a reaction to a government that arms Mexican drug cartels while telling citizens that they’re not responsible enough to own guns?
John Hanlon John Hanlon: Review: "Tower Heist" Steals Some Laughs But Shows Restraint Over the weekend, I attended a screening of "Tower Heist," a new comedy that pits a group of working-class employees at a residential high-rise against a corrupt financial investor. The first scene shows the investor swimming in a rooftop pool with an image of a $100 bill at its base. That’s the story's first symbol of cold opulence in a story rife with them.
Michael Medved Michael Medved: If the 'Rich Get Richer,' Who Gets Hurt? When the nation’s most prestigious newspaper runs a misleading headline proclaiming “IT’S OFFICIAL: THE RICH GET RICHER” why should ordinary Americans respond as if this amounted to bad news?
Katie Pavlich Katie Pavlich: Combative Eric Holder Still Evading Responsibilty for Operation Fast and Furious Holder’s testimony surrounding Operation Fast and Furious on Capitol Hill can be summed up this way: I knew nothing about this, none of my senior officials authorized this, it was a local project and we need more gun control.
Terry Jeffrey Terry Jeffrey: Country Music's Raye of Hope About a decade before he began a Nashville recording career that has included five platinum albums, Collin Raye was singing at a nightclub in Beaverton, Ore., when he experienced something he would later recognize as an act of Providence.
Ben Shapiro Ben Shapiro: What Is Obama Thinking? That's the question that has to be on everyone's lips at this point. We've spent trillions of dollars of taxpayer money we don't have -- to no avail. We've created massive new entitlement programs without funding them. We've emboldened class warfare artists to take to the streets, littering America's public spaces with human debris -- all with presidential backing.
Brian McNicoll Brian McNicoll: The Student Loan Mire I don’t agree we should forgive college loans, but I do believe it’s time to rethink the whole premise of government aid and college.
Austin Bay Austin Bay: Iran: Armageddon One Day Closer In 1981, Israeli fighter-bombers attacked and destroyed Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor. That airstrike, widely condemned by the so-called civilized world, kept the truly barbaric Saddam Hussein from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: The Emergence of Mitt Romney Of the stage-full of Republican hopefuls running for president this year, Mitt Romney is beginning to emerge as the only serious one in sight. It's his sober rather than angry approach to the issues that appeals. Now he's showing another mark of responsible leadership: a willingness to take unpopular stands the rest of the candidates may know are right but don't dare risk.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: China on the Brink The Chinese government has managed to keep a lid on it for years, but the injection of some capitalism brings different emotions to the front that haven’t existed for a long time there.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: Connecting the Dots for Ethanol, In Pictures Do you suppose the U.S. Congress will propose a "meat transaction tax" to deal with the problem of rising meat inequality instead of actually stopping doing the stupid things that created the problem in the first place?
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Eight Reasons to be Bullish on the US Dollar My bullishness is relative, but the biggest contributors to long-term wealth tends to be your choice of currency. I have a target of 100 in DXY for next year, so a 25% rise in the US dollar during 2012.
Robert Morrison Robert Morrison: What Makes the Grand Old Party Grand Well, why not tax all those millionaires and billionaires to close the budget gap? J.P. O’Rourke said it with more humor: Why not “eat the rich”? We could certainly appeal to the Occupy Wall Street crowd and maybe get ourselves some favorable treatment on MSNBC. Who knows, by yelling “soak the rich” we might even send some shivers up and down Chris Matthews’ leg.
George Friedman George Friedman: Europe, the International System and a Generational Shift The fundamental patterns of European domination held for 500 years. That epoch of history ended in 1991, when the Soviet Union — the last of the great European empires — collapsed with global consequences.
Sandy Rios Sandy Rios: Bialek's Actions Speak Louder Than Words It’s hard to take a victim seriously when she laughs as she tells her story of “victimhood.” Even though her voice broke briefly during the most explicit parts of the public statement, Sharon Bialek’s claims of sexual harassment by Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain were just another silly spectacle orchestrated by America’s most unscrupulous feminist attorney, Gloria Allred.
Steven Aden Steven Aden: Planned Parenthood's decades of death Last month, Planned Parenthood celebrated 95 years of providing “essential health care” for women throughout this country. But if you’re like most Americans, there’s a good chance you didn’t know the anniversary took place. For unlike the pro-abortion heydays of the 1970s, 80s, and 90s, Planned Parenthood’s so-called “successes” are frequently being heralded with a whimper rather than a bang.
Michael Brown Michael Brown: How Do You Feel About A "Christian" America? According to social commentator Bill Muehlenberg, “The fate of a nation is intimately tied up with its moral and spiritual condition.” If this is true, would it be wrong for conservative Christians, within the parameters established by our Constitution and laws, to do everything in their power to take the lead in the political and educational and media and business sectors of our country? Or does the very thought of that send shivers up your spine?
Rachel Marsden Rachel Marsden: The G-20 Dysfunctional Family Reunion The slogan for last week's G-20 meeting here in France was "New World, New Ideas." It should have been "Same World, Bad Ideas." High drama played out in front of the world press as members of the G-20 family squabbled with each other in various displays of political showmanship. Here's a rundown of what really happened at this dysfunctional family reunion:
Crystal Wright Crystal Wright: An Able Gingrich Makes for a Bad Cain In what was designed to be a modern day re-play of the Lincoln-Douglass style debate, Newt Gingrich reinforced he’s the best candidate in the GOP field with what appears to be the slimmest odds of capturing the nomination. Newt not only was knowledgeable of the issues but gave practical solutions for solving the country’s problems. Conversely, Cain repeatedly abdicated first responses to questions to Gingrich and kept agreeing with Newt’s answers.
Donald Lambro Donald Lambro: How Bill Clinton Created Jobs Bill Clinton's new book doesn't mince words about the dismal state of the Obama economy. The former president flatly declares, "We're in a mess now."
David Sterman David Sterman: This Stock Could Be the Dow's Biggest Gainer in 2012 Trading at just six times projected 2012 profits, it's clear investors aren't holding her to a very high set of expectations.
Marybeth Hicks Marybeth Hicks: Searching For a Moral to Story of Immorality Halloween came and went, but Marion Salmon Hedges wasn’t able to hand out the hundreds of dollars worth of candy she purchased for the underprivileged children who annually visit her Manhattan neighborhood.
Bill Tatro Bill Tatro: Hiding Real Estate in Wall Street's Matress Before we get into the “how did that work out for you” analysis, it’s time to first look at another misguided Wall Street strategy.
Janet M. LaRue Janet M. LaRue: The God Whisperer “I think I have an ongoing conversation with God. Throughout the day I’m constantly asking myself questions about what I’m doing, why I am doing it.” --Barack Obama
Robert Knight Robert Knight: In Socialism We Trust “In God We Trust” is the national motto, even though Barack Obama told a Jakarta, Indonesia audience last November that our national motto is E Pluribus Unum (out of many, one).
Jacob Sullum Jacob Sullum: Absolutely Profligate: Mitt Romney's Spending 'Cuts' Would Expand the Federal Budget Presenting his fiscal plan in USA Today last week, Mitt Romney said he wants to "eliminate every government program that is not absolutely essential." That sounds good until you realize that Romney's goal of cutting $500 billion from projected federal outlays in 2016 would, at best, leave the budget about 8 percent higher than it is now and only 11 percent lower than it would be without any attempt to restrain spending.
Carrie Schwab Pomerantz Carrie Schwab Pomerantz: Can You Use Your SEP-IRA to Pay for College? Generally speaking, if you take a withdrawal before age 59-and-a-half, you're subject to a 10 percent penalty. In the case of a SEP or traditional IRA, you also would pay ordinary income taxes on the withdrawal.
Ralph Benko Ralph Benko: The Super Committee's Great Goat Rodeo Big Government has become the grotesque man-devouring giant Gargantua, skewered by Rabelais half a millennium ago.
Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell: Numbers Games One of the things that has struck me, when I have gone on luxury cruise ships, is that most of the passengers look like they are older than the captain -- and luxury cruise ships don't have juveniles as captains.
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Yikes: Cain Press Conference Doesn't Build Confidence comments  (950)  
Holder Evades Responsibility for Fast & Furious comments  (39)  
Such a Tease: Obama Administration Easing Up Ever So Slightly on the Drilling Moratorium comments  (27)  
Game-Changer: Will There Be a Third Party Candidate in 2012? comments  (820)  
Election Day 2011: What to Watch For in Ohio, New Jersey, and Virginia comments  (96)  
Gross: Hair and Body Lice Outbreak at Occupy Portland comments  (195)  
Cain Schedules Press Conference to Address Latest Allegations comments  (720)  
Hot Mic Moment: Sarkozy, Obama Not Netanyahu Fans? comments  (313)  
Holder to Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday comments  (311)  
Chicago-Style: Rahm Imposes Higher Fines comments  (71)  
President Obama Seems Like the 1 Percent At Expensive Fundraiser comments  (56)  
Occupy D.C. Pushes Eldery Woman Down the Stairs comments  (373)  
Cain Courts Iowa Farmers in New Anti-EPA Regulation Video comments  (65)  
Fast and Furious: Whistleblower Protection Reinforcement Legislation Introduced comments  (81)  
Video: Woman Accuses Cain of Specific, Serious Sexual Misconduct comments  (1782)  
Ugh: Gloria Allred to Represent Fourth Cain Accuser comments  (1156)  
Bill Clinton Supports Rick Perry on Immigration comments  (75)  
[VIDEO] Oh, The Horror: What If Barack Obama Isn't Reelected? comments  (151)  
Cain: $2 Million Raised In One Week, Accuser Won't Talk comments  (286)  
MSNBC Analyst: We Should Really Get Rid of the Second Amendment comments  (636)  
TH Magazine Throwback: The Iranian Threat and Israel's Survival Strategy
Twenty Minutes Before SEALs Killed Bin Laden, Obama Was Playing Golf comments  (157)  
Debbie Downgrade and the 2012 Elections comments  (43)  
     Nasdaq 2727.49 +32.24 (+1.20%)
     S&P 500 1275.92 +14.80 (+1.17%)
     NYSE 7671.91 +0.00 (+0.00)
     10Y Yield 2.03 -0.04 (-2.13%)
Rice: The Government of Iran Has "No Legitimacy Left" comments  (351)  
Of Course: Ron Paul Says Friendship Best Way to Deal With Iran comments  (382)  
Congress Moves to Create New Farm Subsidy
Thousands Protest at the White House Over Keystone Pipeline comments  (104)  
Arizona Recall Election: A Referendum on Immigration? comments  (720)  
Cain and Gingrich Debate Mano-a-Mano on Entitlements comments  (1330)  
Big Quake in Oklahoma
Speaker Boehner Says His Friendship with Obama Has Cooled comments  (136)  
Congressional Leaders Jumping In to Spur the Super Committee comments  (348)  
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