Friday, November 11, 2011


Breaking News

British Intelligence Agencies: Israel Will Strike Iran Soon
Watch the Premiere of Meltdown on Main Street: A Financial Crisis Summit By and For the People. Airs Nov. 17 . . . RSVP Now!
LIGNET: Iran Retaliation Options on U.S. Include Bio, Chemical, Terror Attacks
Fmr. CIA Director Hayden: Killing Terrorists Is Default Option
Losing Weight at Age 50 and Beyond — Photo Slide Show:
One woman discovered how to easily lose 40 pounds of unwanted fat — at age 54. Her weight loss secrets are so powerful they are changing the lives of men and women in their 50s, 60s, 70s and even into their 90s. Now you can discover her 5 simple tips to shedding pounds at age 50 and beyond in this FREE video presentation from Newsmax Health.
Watch the FREE video — see the “before” and “after” photos.
More Links:
Terror Chatter High: Get the Emergency Radio You Must Have
The One Thing You Should Do for Your Prostate Every Morning

November 10, 2011

Rick Perry: I Stepped In It

Some are calling it a 'devastating' moment, so how is Rick Perry responding to his awkward gaffe at last night's GOP debate?

• Hear From Perry

• Watch the 'Oops' Moment

• VOTE: Who Benefits the Most From Perry's Mistake?

Plus -- tune in to On the Record tonight at 10p/1a ET when Perry sits down with Greta.

• RELATED: Herman Cain Responds to 'Character' Question, Audience Erupts in Applause

WATCH: Riots Erupt at Penn State After Joe Paterno Is Fired

Take a look at this incredible video out of Penn State University as students rioted on campus after the Board of Trustees fired head coach Joe Paterno Wednesday night.

• Watch the Video

• TEXT, VIDEO: Interim Head Coach Tom Bradley Holds Press Conference



Jon Hunstman's Race to the TOP!

How is Jon Huntsman keeping up with the GOP competition? It's a must-see interview.

• 'Hannity': Tonight, 9p/12a ET

How's Herman Cain Fighting Back?

What's Herman Cain's strategy for handling sexual harassment allegations? And, will it be enough to keep the candidate's 2012 hopes alive? Neil's sitting down with the GOP contender.

• 'Your World': Friday, 4p ET

Also on Fox News Insider

Rep. Joe Walsh on Meltdown: I Had Too Much Coffee

UPDATE: Police Say Mother of Missing 2-Year-Old Boy Refuses Polygraph Test

Michele Bachmann Calls for President Obama to Apologize to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

U.S. Weekly Jobless Claims Fall 10K, Lowest Level in 7 Months

Emails Released as Noon Deadline Passes for WH to Reply to Solyndra Subpoena

Breaking News
Moody's: Italy Could Trigger US Financial Contagion
ALERT: Renowned Economist: Economic Firestorm Coming in 2012
Roubini: Italy's Days in Eurozone May Be Numbered
USA Today: Home Foreclosures Will Take Decade to Clear
URGENT: Newsmax Assembles Emergency SummitMiddle-class America is battling a volatile stock market, increasing prices coupled with decreasing wages, escalating unemployment, falling real estate prices, and political mayhem. Join us on Nov. 17 for Meltdown on Main Street: A Financial Crisis Summit By and For the People. It is 100% Free — RSVP Today!
More Links:
Health Writer Finds Secret to Losing Weight Over Age 50
Suzanne Somers Found the Doctors Curing Cancer. Watch the Video.
To Read More Breaking Financial News go to

Breaking News

Grassley: US on Brink of Fiscal Armageddon
The United States faces "fiscal Armageddon" because of the mammoth national debt, Sen. Charles Grassley tells Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview, drawing parallels with Greece on the same day that Europe's debt fears drove a massive stock sell-off. The Iowa Republican also says Attorney General Eric Holder’s “head must roll” if he is responsible for the fatally flawed Operation Fast and Furious.
To Read the Full Story and See the Video — Go Here Now
Special: Newt Gingrich Drawing Standing Ovations and Surging In Polls
Hannity: Democrats Play Political Game in Debt Walkout


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