Friday, November 11, 2011


Confirmed: GOP Captures Virginia Senate, Mississippi Too? Confirmed: GOP Captures Virginia Senate, Mississippi Too?

Sen. Grassley on Fast and Furious: Heads Have to RollSen. Grassley on Fast and Furious: Heads Have to Roll

Working on Her Image: Michelle Obama Headed to NASCARWorking on Her Image: Michelle Obama Headed to NASCAR

Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: K Street's Super Committee Splurge The bipartisan debt panel to nowhere is exactly where K Street lobbyists want it to be: hopelessly deadlocked. A November 23 deadline for agreement on $1.2 trillion in budget savings is looming, but no real reductions in the size, scope or spending of government are on the table. Instead, we are witnessing another obscene special-interest splurge to preserve the status quo. All in the name of "reform," of course.
Brent Bozell Brent Bozell: No 'Glee' About Virginity In Hollywood, the only truly serious sexual disease is virginity. It's a dire and embarrassing condition, desperately in need of elimination. Teenagers that still have "it" are woefully immature. They might as well consider themselves to be walking the school hallways in diapers.
Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg: 'Right to Riot' Cemented in Campus Culture "Of course we're going to riot," Paul Howard, a 24 year-old aerospace engineering student at Penn State University, told The New York Times. "What do they expect when they tell us at 10 o'clock that they fired our football coach?"
Mona Charen Mona Charen: Booing the Character Issue I think I understand why the audience at Wednesday's CNBC debate booed Maria Bartiromo's question to Herman Cain about sexual harassment allegations. They don't believe there is any truth to them.
David Limbaugh David Limbaugh: The Left's Many Double Standards Today's liberals would have you believe they occupy the moral high ground on every political and cultural issue. But have you ever taken inventory of their double standards?
Larry Kudlow Larry Kudlow: Winners, Losers, Misses But the more interesting story might be Gingrich, who has surged into third place. When I interviewed him on Tuesday, the night before the debate, I asked him about 1 percent versus 99 percent, the class-warfare argument being propagated by President Obama and the Wall Street protesters.
Hugh Hewitt Hugh Hewitt: The Debate Circus In case you were thinking that the GOP would-be nominees had pretty much been obliged to exchange pleasantries with every single talking head on every cable network, think again.
John Hanlon John Hanlon: Clint Eastwood Tells the Story of J. Edgar Hoover in New Biopic It’s difficult to dislike Clint Eastwood. He’s an excellent director and a fine actor, who is openly conservative in a town that often disdains them. Many of Eastwood’s films have avoided politics but his new film “J. Edgar” will likely open up a political debate because of its depiction of J. Edgar Hoover, the long-serving former director of the FBI
John Ransom John Ransom: Obama: I want to be known as the Junket President In the spring, as the budget and the debt ceiling hung over a country trying to kick start business Obama absconded to Brazil. Things must be really tough now, because now off to Bali.
Oliver North Oliver North: The Heroes of 2011 This little town not far from Fresno may be the perfect place to observe Veterans Day as our nation closes a decade of war. A quiet San Joaquin Valley community in the heart of our most populous state, Clovis has lost 10 of its sons -- eight of them from local Buchanan High School -- in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Pat Buchanan Pat Buchanan: The Equality Racket Our mainstream media have discovered a new issue: inequality in America. The gap between the wealthiest 1 percent and the rest of the nation is wide and growing wider.
Rachel Alexander Rachel Alexander: Fifty Percent Welfare Nation It has become all too easy today to receive government assistance. Half of all babies born in the U.S. today receive food assistance, and half of all children live in a home that will use food assistance at some point during their childhood.
Suzanne Fields Suzanne Fields: Digging for Gold The war between the sexes will never be easy to win because there are too many incentives for men and women to lay down their arms and call for a truce, if not a tryst. Nothing is more powerful than that image of Adam giving up all for Eve. He chose to leave paradise and work for a living rather than lose the woman he loved. (Besides, he couldn 't spare another rib.)
Linda Chavez Linda Chavez: Arizona Bids Adios to Illegal Immigrant Basher For the last several years, State Senator Russell Pearce has been the face of the anti-illegal immigrant movement in Arizona. But his district voted this week to recall him, ending a 10-year state legislative career that has been marked by ugly episodes.
Humberto Fontova Humberto Fontova: Michael Moore Salutes Our 'Hispanic' Veterans When Japan’s ferocious General Tomoyuki Yamashita (“The Tiger of Malaya”) finally emerged from his headquarters on Luzon to surrender on September 2nd 1945 he handed his pistol, samurai sword and battle flag to the nearest U.S. soldier he saw. This was staff sergeant Manuel Perez-Garcia of the 32nd Infantry Division. Perez-Garcia was born in Cuba but immigrated to the U.S. after Pearl Harbor to join the U.S. Army and volunteer for combat.
Rich Galen Rich Galen: Ricky, Ricky, Ricky You've seen it a thousand times since Wednesday night. Gov. Rick Perry, primed with a talking point about the three Federal Departments he would shut down as President named the Departments of Commerce and Education and then couldn't remember the name of the third Department.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Is France the Next Greece? The two-day move in French bond yields vs. German is likely a 6-sigma event. Today alone, the 2-year yield rose 27 basis points vs. 2 for Germany.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: Whose Income Should You Tax? Pretend for a moment that you've just been elected to public office and that you now have the power to choose whose income you're going to tax to pay for all the vital government programs you believe should be supported.
Nathan Slaughter Nathan Slaughter: 57% of America's Best Income Stocks are in this Sector Energy is in one of the biggest bull markets we've ever seen. But unlike some other historic bull markets, such as the high-flying "New Economy" of the late 1990s, fundamentals are driving prices this time -- not delusions.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: Fairness and Right Size Why not let the market determine the right size? If they have a growing customer base that they service competitively, let them be as big as they want.
Kyle Olson Kyle Olson: EAG Challenges NPR: We’ll Show You Ours If You Show Us Yours On Wednesday, National Public Radio Education Correspondent Larry Abramson phoned Education Action Group to ask about our activities related to Issue 2 in Ohio, the referendum on the collective bargaining reform that was defeated at the polls Tuesday. Specifically, he inquired about our “canvassing and mobilization” efforts.
Donald Lambro Donald Lambro: Presidential Race Gets Tighter The best thing Democrats have going for them in this 2012 election cycle is the deep division among Republicans over who should be their presidential nominee. Less than 60 days before the Iowa caucuses, the GOP is no closer to coalescing around a front-runner to take on President Obama than it was a year ago.
Crista Huff Crista Huff: Williams Could be Short-Term Trade on Energy The stock price briefly touched $40 after a six-year climb, then fell to $10 with the 2008 Financial Meltdown. The stock price has been recovering somewhat steadily, with price corrections in the summers of 2010 and 2011.
Mark W. Hendrickson Mark W. Hendrickson: Veterans: What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen In economics, the first lesson I teach my pupils is the lesson of things that are seen and things that are not seen. Actions have some effects that are readily apparent and others are overlooked or not perceived. It’s the same with our military veterans.
Diana West Diana West: When Will Gloria Allred Hold a Press Conference About Islam We haven't had a good, old-fashioned "feeding frenzy," a la Herman Cain, for a long time – maybe not since the days of Dan Quayle. I'm talking about the kind of media wilding where someone is a whole person one day, and then, whoosh, the piranhas swim in and a gnawed carcass is all that remains.
David Sterman David Sterman: The Best Stocks to Own When the Euro Nightmare Ends The solution is increasingly clear, even though it is simply bad politics to acknowledge it: Greece needs to move out of the house, re-institute a (much-cheaper) drachma as its currency, and focus on a turnaround that is based on rising exports and shrinking imports (which is what always happens when a currency is devalued).
Lincoln Brown Lincoln Brown: Oppressing the Atheists Among Us At issue: whether or not memorial crosses can remain along Utah’s roadways. The crosses mark the places where Utah Highway Patrol Troopers sacrificed their lives in the line of duty.
Bill Nelson Bill Nelson: Honoring our Veterans More than Once a Year Are people paying more attention to Veteran's Day this year because of the uniqueness of its date-11-11-11? Will this Veteran's Day garner more media "play" because it comes on the heels of the 10th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks? Staff Staff: Kill Bin Laden: A Novel Based on True Events The retired Airborne ranger stepped up to the body bag on the plowed wheat field just as the two young SEALs were about to load it into the big enabler hello. He put his arm up like a traffic cop and shouted over the whine of the big twin idling lycoming jet engines, “Hey, dude, lemme see him quick.”
Stewart Scott Stewart Scott: The Rising Threat from Nigeria's Boko Haram Militant Group Boko Haram, which means “Western education is sinful” in Hausa, was established in 2002 in Maiduguri, the capital of Nigeria’s Borno state. It has since spread to several other northern and central Nigerian states.
Peter Ferrara Peter Ferrara: The Texas Tea Party Debate with Gingrich and Cain In 1858, U.S. Senator Stephen A. Douglas was facing a tough reelection challenge in Illinois from former Congressman Abraham Lincoln. A serious, reasoned America was at the height of debate over the fundamental human rights challenge posed by its contradictory maintenance of the vile institution of slavery, in the most path-breaking, classical liberal nation in the world.
Floyd and Mary Beth Brown Floyd and Mary Beth Brown: Media Diverts Attention from Obama Economic Cataclysm America's mainstream media is hard at work on the Obama re-election effort. Nonstop reporting on the Herman Cain allegations, the break-up of the European Union and Occupy Everything is quietly building a playing field or political environment to empower Obama's excuses.
Ann Coulter Ann Coulter: David Axelrod's Pattern of Sexual Misbehavior Herman Cain has spent his life living and working all over the country -- Indiana, Georgia, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Washington, D.C. -- but never in Chicago. So it's curious that all the sexual harassment allegations against Cain emanate from Chicago: home of the Daley machine and Obama consigliere David Axelrod.
Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell: The Real Scandal The real scandal in the accusations against Herman Cain is the corruption of the law, the media and politics.
Thanks ObamaCare: Employer Insurance Continues to Decline comments  (103)  
Van Jones Exploits Children to Push Communist Agenda comments  (36)  
Video: Herman Cain Jokes About Anita Hill - Plus: Newt Pulls Into Second Place? comments  (126)  
It's Official: Keystone XL Is a No-Go Until After the Election
Thank a Soldier: Happy Veterans Day comments  (161)  
Censorship: Judge OKs American Flag Ban on Cinco de Mayo comments  (917)  
Like an Obama Policy, This Page Gets You Nowhere comments  (23)  
[VIDEO] Investigator: Cain Innocent of Harrassment Charges
DOJ to Supreme Court: Don't Take on Arizona SB 1070 Case comments  (84)  
Cain Back on Campaign Trail comments  (52)  
Man Shot, Killed Near Occupy Oakland Protest Camp
News Conference of Cain Accusers on Hold for Now comments  (35)  
Is Newt Gingrich the Real Deal? comments  (786)  
Classy: OWS Defaces 9/11 Memorial comments  (128)  
No, Attorney General Eric Holder Still Has Not Apologized For Border Agent's Murder comments  (105)  
More Lies and Distortion from Nancy Pelosi comments  (105)  
Sarah Palin: Fire Eric Holder comments  (159)  
Cain Campaign: Of Course We're Sticking with Mark Block comments  (235)  
Semper Fi: Wishing the Marine Corps a Happy 236th Birthday comments  (52)  
Atrocious: Remains of Soldiers Killed in Action Dumped in Landfill comments  (108)  
Rooting for Failure: Democrats Walk Away from Super Committee comments  (73)  
Geithner: There Is No Republican Jobs Plan! comments  (139)  
[VIDEO] Superb: Rep. Joe Walsh Goes on the Political Rampage comments  (59)  

     Nasdaq 2679.81 +54.66 (+2.08%)
     S&P 500 1264.07 +24.37 (+1.97%)
     NYSE 7581.89 +158.21 (+2.13%)
     10Y Yield 2.04 +0.01 (+0.71%)
Then and Now: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words comments  (113)  
Perry Camp Trying to Salvage Campaign After Debate Implosion comments  (202)  
Michigan Debate: Winners and Losers comments  (1085)  
Clint Eastwood: Pro-Herman Cain and Anti-Bailout comments  (101)  
Oh, No: Mitt Romney Really Is an Economic Guru comments  (144)  
Moderating With a Hard Hand comments  (46)  
Cain Calls Former Speaker Pelosi 'Princess Nancy' comments  (110)  
Most Painful Moment of the CNBC GOP Debate: Three Agencies of Government? Ugh? comments  (207)  
Obama donor discussed solar loan with White House

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