Sunday, November 6, 2011



1. US Could Defund Nuclear Watchdog Over Palestine Vote
2. Medicare Called the Real Ponzi Scheme
3. ‘Birth Dearth’ Will Strangle Economies
4. Forbes Announces Hollywood’s ‘Most Overpaid’ Stars
5. Americans Lost $38 Billion Waiting for the Cable Guy
5. College Grad Unemployment Up Under Obama

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Top Five Stories
You May Have Missed
Dear Moneynews Reader:
Here are the five top Moneynews stories from the past week that you may have missed:
  1. Silva: Markets Facing Disaster Over Greek Vote
    Greece's decision to ask the populace to vote on whether to adopt an aid package and austerity measures attached with it could spell disaster for markets worldwide, says Ralph Silva, research director at Silva Research Network . . . Click Here.
  2. Fed Lowers Growth Outlook, Raises Unemployment Forecasts
    The Federal Reserve sketched a bleaker outlook Wednesday for the economy, which it thinks will grow much more slowly and face higher unemployment than it had estimated in June . . . Click Here.
    ALERT: The ‘Unthinkable’ Could Happen — Wall Street Journal
    50% unemployment, 100% annual inflation, a 90% stock market crash by 2012. Watch the Aftershock Survival Summit Now, See the Evidence. Click Here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. HSBC: Economic Growth Fueled by Spending Won’t Last
    Data showing a rebound in U.S. economic growth in Q3 helped reinforce the belief that the worst is over for the world’s largest economy, but HSBC says a strong third quarter is not “necessarily a precursor” to a strong 2012 . . . Click Here.
  4. Simpson: Deficits Are a ‘Cancer’ to Economy
    Deficits are eating gnawing away at the U.S. economy and are threatening the country's survival, says Alan Simpson, a former Wyoming senator and co-chair of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform . . . Click Here.
  5. Stovall: Stocks Could Surge 17 Percent in Next Year
    The rally that has sent the S&P 500 Index up 13 percent over the past month may well continue, pushing the index up another 17 percent over the next year, says the chief equity strategist at S&P Capital IQ . . . Click Here.

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