Monday, November 7, 2011

The Picture the MSM Did NOT Want You to See

Subject:  The Picture the MSM Did NOT Want You to See

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This is something you could expect to see from North Korea, Iran or Pakistan.....not America.
It should be on the front page of every newspaper in the country, but unless we pass it on, the truth will not be seen.

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posted by AWD 6:24 PM

Monday, October 24, 2011
exposed the idiocy of socialism once again and the stupidity of the people who call for it. Stalin used to call t


Yeah, that's a scumbag Wall Street protester DEFECATING on the AMERICAN FLAG!
Most Americans are not politically aware.

While they can name all 5 finalists on American Idol, they cannot name their Congressman.

It’s nice they have priorities. And it explains how we have the morons we have governing us in Washington presently. The Tea Party movement came out of nowhere to stand up and speak out against out-of-control government spending. While the Tea Party has been vilified by liberals and the Democrat party, it has continued to grow in strength.

Leftists have used everything from Alinsky tactics to lying to name calling to the total use of the mainstream media to destroy the Tea Party. But they underestimated the patriotism of the producers in America who support the Constitution and believe in capitalism.

Many of the American Idol experts sit idly by listening to Chris Matthews and Katie Couric disparage the Tea Party movement. They had nothing to compare the movement to. All of that changed when the Occupy Wall Street circus came to New York and spread quickly across the country.

Like an infection. Small bands of idiots with stupid signs printed by unions spouting lunacy have littered and stained the formerly pristine parks they now infest in dozens of American cities.

What a stark difference from the Tea Party movement!

Patriots holding American flags have orderly events with poignant messages about liberty and freedom and then leave in an orderly fashion.

Contrast that with the Occupy Wall Street miscreants!

Arrests, police being assaulted, rapes, flag burnings, pro-communist chanting, garbage, crapping in the streets an parks, incessant drumming, filth, profanity and lots and lots of losers who still don’t really know why they’re there!

Americans now clearly have a choice of what political ideology they want to support. On the one side, they can support hard working, law-abiding, patriots who pay this nation’s bills or they can support the moochers who don’t bathe while calling for killing the rich…whoever they are…and socialism!

What does this say? It says that Obama and the Democrat Party supports this group of leftist wasteoids while lying about tax paying, productive Americans in the Tea Party!It says the Democrat party must go away until it can return to the political scene as a serious, pro-American party instead of a party more aligned with America ’s enemies!

Thank you George Soros and labor unions! You have
hese p

best thing that ever happened to the Tea Party movement and America !                           eople “useful idiots.”
Angry White Dude calls them “useless idiots!” And the
Look hard, America, at what your liberal schools and government have created! And bring a bar of soap and a hose!

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