Bill O'Reilly: The 1 Percent Blues Growing up in Levittown out on Long Island, I remember my father buying pants through the mail. This seemed strange to me. There was a Robert Hall clothing store nearby, and it had pants all over the place. But my dad said he could buy two pair for the price of one from some guy in South Dakota. One problem: The pants never fit.
Chuck Norris: My Endorsement for President Our republic as our Founding Fathers created it is under assault from extremists outside our country and anti-constitutionalists inside our country.
John Ransom: Scientists Discover Gassy Liberal Pseudo-Science For liberals who have oh'ed and aw'ed at the Styrofoam columns that have held up Obama's presidency, his books and his life, science isn't wanted, only stagecraft.
Larry Kudlow: Mitt’s Attack on Crony Capitalism The issue of crony capitalism should be front and center in this campaign. President Obama defends his cronies instead of the so called 99 percent.
John C. Goodman: Obama's Phony War on the Rich Ever since the First Couple entered the White House, their social life has swirled around the very rich. Hollywood actors, pop star singers, Wall Street hedge fund managers, billionaire investors — these are the fabled "top 1 percent" in terms of income and wealth.
Daniel J. Mitchell: Illinois Downgrade Provides More Evidence that Higher Taxes Make Fiscal Problems Worse, not Better If you were playing chess against someone, and that person kept pleading with you to make a certain move, wouldn’t you be a tad bit suspicious that they weren’t trying to help you win?
Caroline Glick: Mainstreaming anti-Semitism Anti-Semitism may not yet be a litmus test for social acceptability in the US, but it has certainly become acceptable. Proof of this dismal state of affairs came this week with the publication of a supportive profile of University of Chicago professor John Mearsheimer in The Atlantic Monthly written by the magazine's in-house foreign policy guru Robert Kaplan.
Crista Huff: Food for Thought: Making Money in Spin-Offs The two post-spin-off stocks will represent Sara Lee's international coffee and tea business in one company, and North American operations in another company, which includes Jimmy Dean, Ball Park and Hillshire Farm meat products; baked goods, and the commercial food operations.
Jeff Carter: Do The Rich Pay More Taxes? When it’s hard to make sense, it’s easier to drive home fallacious points about income gap’s, a smaller middle class, salary and wage discrepancies and the rest of the class warfare arguments you see popping up all over the media and in virtually every left wing political comment or speech.
Political Calculations: The Core Business of Planned Parenthood Despite representing what Planned Parenthood says is only 3% of health services provided each year, abortion represents the core business of the organization in dollar volume.
Mike Shedlock: Time to Concede Home "Ownership" is a Fraud Last week I received a different kind of proposal that merits a much closer look than all of the various bailout proposals I have seen to date.
Bob Beauprez: Obama Slams Door on Jobless Americans In a truth is stranger than fiction moment, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has warned Obama that if we don't buy Canada's oil someone else will. Most likely China.
Bill Tatro: Obama's Ex Girlfriend I’m sure that if Michele Bachmann had fared better, we would have learned that she kicked her dog and underfed her dozens of children, making her a contemporary Mommie Dearest.
David Sterman: Could this Company Give Apple and Google a Run for Their Money? I'm now seeing this stock in a different light. Though it's a bit too soon for the company to declare victory, the last few months have altered the investment thesis.
Steve Deace: South Carolina Primary Predictions Since the advent of the contemporary presidential primary system in the 1970s, no Republican has gone on to win his party’s presidential nomination without winning the crucial South Carolina primary.
Mark Calabria: Unconstitutional Recess Appointments Haven’t Helped Obama in the Polls On January 3th, the day before the appointments, Obama’s job approval ratings, according to RealClearPolitics, averaged 47.2 approval and 47.8 disapproval. Basically a tie. Today, his job approval is at 44.5 and disapproval is 50.3. Moving over the course of a week from a tie to a spread of almost 6 percentage points. Staff: Right to Work Gives Economic Freedom to Hoosier Workers Economic freedom is often conflated with “business interests.” In reality, economic freedom is about promoting the individual’s interest. The Indiana State Legislature has great opportunity this year to advance economic freedom for our state’s individual workers.
Ed Feulner: Top Ten, But Falling If you were to rank the countries of the world in terms of economic freedom, where would the United States fall? First, or at least in the top three? The top five, surely.
Brett McMahon: Why Wouldn’t Business Owners Go Galt? “Government is killing small business,” said Bob Bertsch, who closed his longtime construction business in Washington State and auctioned off his assets. The problems: taxes and overburdensome regulations. I know what he’s talking about—and so do too many Americans.
Diana West: Where's the Outrage Over Murders In Afghanistan? Is there a single public official who is examining -- who cares about -- the murder spree by Afghan security forces against Western troops and security contractors in Afghanistan? I can list well over 40 such murders in the past two years. These incidents even have their own phrase in military jargon -- "green-on-blue" shootings -- but the color we should all be seeing is red. Does Obama see red? Pelosi? Romney? Newt? Anyone? Staff: Voting to Repeal Another Piece of Obama's Healthcare Law This week, I voted to repeal another piece of President Obama's unsustainable healthcare law - the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) program. In addition to voting to repeal this legislation, I am a co-sponsor on the bill that would repeal this program.
Armstrong Williams: A Noticeable Invisibility in South Carolina Boy, is it ever hot in South Carolina these days. Last night’s debate started with fireworks, and the rockets’ red glare are guaranteed to continue through the weekend. This is the stuff of primary lore; one that will be remembered for decades. It’s just a bit sad, however, that it’s less a clash of titanic issues and more one of titanic (and flawed) egos.
Michael F. Cannon: RomneyCare Just Got $150 Million More Expensive Former Romney/Obama advisor Jonathan Gruber has written that RomneyCare was already costing the state $50 billion more than projected by 2009.
Virgil Goode: La Raza's Lobbyist in the White House When Barack Obama campaigned for president, he claimed "I am running to tell the lobbyists in Washington that their days of setting the agenda are over. They have not funded my campaign. They won't work in my White House."
Michael Tanner: Obama Officials Say We Don't Trust the Government Enough. Why Would We? The latest Rassmussen poll shows Americans favoring repeal of the new health-care law by a 53-40 margin — the Obama administration has developed a new theory as to why. We simply don’t trust government enough.
Chris Edwards: Merging Wasteful Agencies Won't Shrink Government Chris Edward's of Cato and Downsizing Government explains how Obama's latest proposal to merge government agencies won't make the federal government smaller.
Thomas Sowell: An Ignored 'Disparity': Part IV Focusing attention and attacks on people who have greater wealth-generating capacity -- whether races, classes or whatever -- has had counterproductive consequences, including tragedies written in the blood of millions. Whole totalitarian governments have risen to dictatorial power on the wings of envy and resentment ideologies.
Michelle Malkin: The Land of Obama Make-Believe Where did President Obama go after killing off thousands of Keystone XL pipeline construction and manufacturing jobs? Why, Disney World, of course. Sabotaging work is hard work for Goofy and his pals.
Rich Galen: The Final South Carolina Debate The Lad came East to visit with some clients and had dinner with the Mullings Director of Standards and Practices and, as happens at family dinners in Your Nation's Capital, we talked about politics. I said that I understood that Rick Perry had cancelled much of his schedule on Wednesday afternoon which told me he was going to be out of this thing before the debate last night.
Rebecca Hagelin: Blinded By Hate There's nothing that unifies conservatives more than this: We love to hate the media. And no one knows how to take that shared passion and encite us into a mob better than Newt Gingrich.
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