Tuesday, January 17, 2012

South Carolina Debate Recap

South Carolina Debate Recap South Carolina Debate Recap

Video: Newt Battles Juan Williams on Race and WelfareVideo: Newt Battles Juan Williams on Race and Welfare

LIVE OPEN THREAD: The South Carolina DebateLIVE OPEN THREAD: The South Carolina Debate

Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell: An Ignored 'Disparity' With all the talk about "disparities" in innumerable contexts, there is one very important disparity that gets remarkably little attention -- disparities in the ability to create wealth.
Chuck Norris Chuck Norris: My One Question for All GOP Candidates In my previous two columns, I outlined the 10 questions we need to ask to find our next president. I believe them wholeheartedly, but I have one last question that is almost as important as all of them combined. And it is for all the GOP candidates.
John Ransom John Ransom: UAW, Occupy and Obama Hang Themselves Together Into this two-ringed circus of Unions and Occupy now steps Ringmaster Obama, who has promised us all a campaign that will pit the UAW and Occupy have-nots against the rest of the country.
Jeff Jacoby Jeff Jacoby: A Lesson From Birmingham Jail Any time is the right time to read Martin Luther King's 1963 "Letter from Birmingham Jail." But it pulses with special relevance during Black History Month.
John Hawkins John Hawkins: Five Ways Conservatives Will Have to Sell Their Souls if Romney Wins If you were trying to come up with the atrocious candidate imaginable to go toe-to-toe with Barack Obama in 2012, you couldn't do much worse than Mitt Romney.
David Limbaugh David Limbaugh: Mark Levin's 'Ameritopia' Mark Levin's hard work in researching, organizing and writing his new book, "Ameritopia," will be a blessing for all who read it.
Mike Adams Mike Adams: Postmodern Political Correctness and Christianity II In January 2009, a pro-life group at Spokane Falls Community College (SFCC) decided to publicize and protest the disproportionate abortion rate among black Americans. They argued that the racist roots of Planned Parenthood were reflected in the organization’s activities in our nation’s inner cities. But before they could hold their event, they had to have their posters approved by the college administration.
Cal  Thomas Cal Thomas: Three Conservative Victories While most attention is focused on the presidential race and Republican hopes to oust President Obama from office, some significant steps were taken last week on issues dear to the hearts of conservatives.
Pat Buchanan Pat Buchanan: Vulture Capitalism or Populist Demagoguery? "They're vultures that are sitting out there on the tree limb, waiting for a company to get sick, and then they swoop in ... eat the carcass ... and ... leave the skeleton."
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: Debunking the “Conservative” Argument for a Wealth Tax The only potentially good thing about his plan (and I admit that I’m motivated by pettiness) is that it would tax hypocritical leftists such as Warren Buffett, who argue for higher income tax rates, secure in the knowledge that they will be largely unaffected.
Debra J. Saunders Debra J. Saunders: The Sheriff and the Accusations After a New Year's Eve fight, former Venezuelan TV actress Eliana Lopez went to the home of neighbor Ivory Madison to talk about her husband's behavior. Madison later told police that she took video of a bruise on her friend's arm and had texts Lopez had sent that documented spousal abuse.
Dave Ramsey Dave Ramsey: Dave Says Baby Step 3 The thing that worries me is you’ve completely skipped Baby Step 3, which is having three to six months of expenses in an emergency fund.
Humberto Fontova Humberto Fontova: Should Mercedes Benz Apologize For the Che Guevara Ad? Why did only Americans of Cuban heritage get miffed at Mercedes Benz for their Che Guevara promotional flap? From USA Today to Forbes and from the Miami Herald to The Blaze, it was the same story “Cuban-Americans angered.” Then “Mercedes apologizes to Cuban-Americans.”
Rich Galen Rich Galen: An Ignorant Congressman Some of you might have noticed that I like to do TV; which is to say I will go anywhere, anytime, to be on with anyone, on any TV outlet including "Bob's TV Network" (BTV) even if its is available only within the confines of his mother's house in Cleveland which includes Bob's combo basement/bedroom/TV studio.
Rich Galen Rich Galen: Myrtle Beach Debate Post-Game When political professionals get together to discuss things like ads, campaign tactics, and debates they know the only thing that matters in the end is: "Did it move votes?"
Crista Huff Crista Huff: This Automotive Stock Could Pop for 25 Percent The stock carries a 2012 price earnings ratio (PE) of 13.9 before the coming earnings estimate revisions. As EPS estimates are revised upward, the PE adjusts downward, indicating a strong growth company with a PE appealing to a value investor
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Greece Default Likely Is this a signal that Chancellor Merkel has had enough of bailouts and wants to dump Greece? I think so and talks with the IMF suggest so as well.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: The Keynesian School of Economics Leads to Violence Riots have taken place in “civilized” first world countries. Spain, Italy, Greece, even France and England. Unemployment in some of them is over 20%, and for younger people that have never been hired it can be significantly higher.
Paul Tracy Paul Tracy: One of My Top Picks for this Year Gained 50 Percent in 3 Months It pays a yield of 10.5%. And it's one of the most unique dividend payers on the market. It's not a regular business -- it doesn't have thousands of employees or millions of dollars worth of equipment --and it doesn't have complex operations that take a doctorate degree to understand or track.
Bob Beauprez Bob Beauprez: Rick Reilly and Tim Tebow In his just published column for ESPN, even the great Rick Reilly may have raised his own high standards. "I believe in Tim Tebow" captures the essence of a phenomenon that has engulfed a nation and much of the world.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: Race, Poverty and Abortion How are the number of annual abortions in the United States distributed by race? And how does that compare to the distribution of the potential child-bearing (Age 15-44) population of the United States by race?
Paul Driessen Paul Driessen: Charles Manson Energy All Americans hope condors will not be sliced and diced by giant Cuisinarts. But most of us are puzzled that so few “environmentalists” and FWS “caretakers” express concern about the countless bald and golden eagles, hawks, falcons, vultures, ducks, geese, bats and other rare, threatened, endangered and common flying creatures imperiled by turbine blades.
Susan Brown Susan Brown: Over-Regulation is Choking the Life Out of Business I guess we were supposed to be encouraged last week when the regulator-in-chief pulled out his plastic preschool scissors while promising to cut the government down to size.
Mark Calabria Mark Calabria: Unconstitutional Recess Appointments Haven’t Helped Obama in the Polls On January 3th, the day before the appointments, Obama’s job approval ratings, according to RealClearPolitics, averaged 47.2 approval and 47.8 disapproval. Basically a tie. Today, his job approval is at 44.5 and disapproval is 50.3. Moving over the course of a week from a tie to a spread of almost 6 percentage points.
Harry R. Jackson, Jr. Harry R. Jackson, Jr.: Putting Words in MLK's Mouth On October 16, 2011 the new memorial for Martin Luther was finally completed. There was only one problem with the work. The wrong words were carved on the statue. The tone of the phrase misrepresented “the spirit” of the fallen leader. After a huge controversy, the memorial leadership decided to change the writing on the statue.
Armstrong Williams Armstrong Williams: MLK Reflection in Honor of His Birthday The black community currently collectively faces a series of problems, each related to the others, each compounding one another, and we must face them all together. We as a nation cannot ignore any of them.
David Holt David Holt: A New Years Resolution to Help the American Consumer As the New Year moves forward, Americans are pursuing resolutions that will help them improve their lives. However, the single most important action that can benefit the nation’s businesses, industry and consumers is the advancement of sensible policies that enable the full development of the United States robust energy resources.
Jerry Bowyer Jerry Bowyer: Forget Systemic Risk, Let's Look For System Saving Events What is more plausible is that the people themselves see the error of his (and their) ways, chastened by the results of our ill-conceived experiment in cool socialism, and they elect a president who leads us back towards freedom.
George Friedman George Friedman: Jihadism in 2012 For the past six years, Stratfor has published an annual forecast on al Qaeda and the jihadist movement. Here's our forecast for 2012
Chris W. Cox Chris W. Cox: From Hope and Change to Hate and Fear President Barack Obama has certainly changed the tone in Washington. What used to be a town well-known for partisan bickering has been transformed into a 24/7 hate fest. Obama may bemoan the rancor in Congress every time the cameras are rolling, but make no mistake, this acidic atmosphere is by his own design.
David Sterman David Sterman: The 2 Best Stocks to Own for Tax Season These software programs are remarkably similar to each other, and this year's programs look and feel a lot like the offerings from last year. Frankly, it's hard to make a case for one tax software package over the other as they are both quite good.
Marita Noon Marita Noon: EPA is Binge Gambling with US Economy Last week, Fred Krupp of the Environmental Defense Fund miscounted his cards when he claimed that new EPA regulations will “protect the IQ of countless of American kids and help clear the air for millions of Americans with asthma.”
Robert Knight Robert Knight: Tom Landess RIP America lost an unsung hero on January 8 with the passing of Thomas H. Landess, Ph.D.
Charlotte Hays Charlotte Hays: Ron Paul, Legislative Hero Although I nightly hang upon every word Bill O’Reilly spews forth in his “Talking Points Memo,” I must take issue with Mr. O’s dour, pre-Iowa assessment of the magnificent legislative achievements of Rep. Ron Paul.
John  Browne John Browne: Keep Blowing a Big, Fat Bubble Bernanke offers endless words about the Fed's willingness to keep the economy on track. In reality it appears as if he only wants to do one thing: keep asset bubbles from collapsing by continually debasing the currency and looting the savings of thrifty Americans.
Tad DeHaven Tad DeHaven: Obama Proposes New Department of Corporate Welfare The move portends bigger government, not smaller.
Mike Adams Mike Adams: Postmodern Political Correctness and Christianity Author’s Note: A student-led apologetics ministry at Lenoir-Rhyne University called Ratio Christi will be hosting a convocation on Spiritual and Intellectual development titled "Postmodernism, Political Correctness, and Christianity" on Thursday, January 19th from 7:00-9:00 PM in the Belk Centrum. I am honored to be the featured speaker. A Q&A will follow the presentation. The event is open to the public. I hope to see you there.
    Nasdaq2710.67-14.03 (-0.51%)
    S&P 5001289.09-6.41 (-0.49%)
    NYSE7632.03+0.00 (+0.00)
    10Y Yield1.87+0.00 (+0.00)
Federal Judge Refuses to Add Perry, Gingrich, Santorum, & Huntsman to the Virginia Ballot comments  (34)  
[VIDEO] Margaret Thatcher's Real Legacy
Former Obama Official Defends Bain, WaPo Debunks Propaganda Film comments  (324)  
Obama Failed to "Save or Create" 1 Million Jobs comments  (113)  
Allen West on Marines Incident: "Shut Your Mouth, War Is Hell" comments  (848)  
Democrats Pretty Excited to Bludgeon Romney on Bain, Too comments  (288)  
Rand Paul Returns $500K of Office Budget to the Treasury comments  (89)  
Jim DeMint: Ron Paul Supporters Are Part of Our Natural Base comments  (145)  
Serial Hypocrite Elizabeth Warren Still Accepting Wall Street Money

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