Tuesday, February 7, 2012


          LIVE Primary Election Results: Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri

Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell: A Defining Moment Governor Mitt Romney's statement about not worrying about the poor has been treated as a gaffe in much of the media, and those in the Republican establishment who have been rushing toward endorsing his coronation as the GOP's nominee for president -- with 90 percent of the delegates still not yet chosen -- have been trying to sweep his statement under the rug.
Chuck Norris Chuck Norris: Waging War on the Trifecta of Tyranny As a six-time undefeated middleweight world karate champion, I have a pretty good idea what makes a warrior. And there's presently one particular presidential candidate in the political ring who wears those gloves better than the others.
David Limbaugh David Limbaugh: Obama Says He Deserves a Second Term; Let's Consider President Obama told NBC's Matt Lauer in an interview Sunday, "I deserve a second term." Well, let's see.
John Hawkins John Hawkins: 5 Things Conservatives Can Learn From Liberals There are a lot of things NOT to like about liberals, but you have to give them some credit. These are people who are badly, dangerously, and devastatingly wrong on almost every issue of consequence and yet, year after year, they hang in there at a rough parity with conservatives. So, they may do a lot wrong, but there are things we can learn from the Left.
Mona Charen Mona Charen: Removing Planned Parenthood's Fig Leaf Planned Parenthood would appear to have won this latest skirmish in the abortion wars. The Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation having first decided to withdraw future grants to the world's largest abortion provider, quickly retreated under a barrage of accusations, complaints and threats.
John Ransom John Ransom: Half Time in America; We Need a New Quarterback A great visual experience, filmed in two entirely different cities than the subject city, with a wonderful narration by Eastwood about policies that he doesn’t agree with pushing a message about a car company and the city of Detroit that isn’t true in any factual or even literary sense. See? That’s proof that it has to be an Obama campaign commercial.
Cal  Thomas Cal Thomas: The President's 'Social Gospel' For 60 years the National Prayer Breakfast has been a nonpolitical event where speakers put aside their earthly biases and focus on a Higher Authority.
Pat Buchanan Pat Buchanan: Who Wants War With Iran? Appearing alongside CIA Director David Petraeus before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence last week, James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, said of Iran: "We don't believe they've actually made the decision to go ahead with a nuclear weapon."
Debra J. Saunders Debra J. Saunders: Gingrich Should Have Kept It in Vegas Losing candidates usually congratulate the winner -- first by telephone and then in front of their supporters. Not Newt Gingrich. When he loses, Gingrich doesn't even bother to pretend to be a good sport.
Humberto Fontova Humberto Fontova: Will The Pope Absolve Fidel Castro? Pope Benedict XVI will visit Cuba in March. Two of Italy’s top newspapers are reporting that Fidel Castro will avail himself of the visit to confess his sins and be accepted back into The Catholic Church, which excommunicated him in 1962.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: Happy Birthday President Reagan We’ll start with a look at his use of humor while President.
Charles Payne Charles Payne: Melancholy Cheers The labor participation rate was crashing and sitting at 63.9% on Reagan's inauguration day and at the end of two terms it was 66.5%.
Bill Murchison Bill Murchison: Planned Parenthood's Grand Delusion Go the website PlannedParenthood.org. You know, Planned Parenthood, around whose rippling banner enlightened opinion rallied last week when news broke that Susan G. Komen for the Cure would, in the near future, cease granting it money. PP -- just a big-hearted service organization for women, fighting breast cancer and other female afflictions with might and main.
Phyllis Schlafly Phyllis Schlafly: Day of Reckoning for Violence Against Women Act The reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Feb. 2 on a straight party-line vote. That proves again that the feminists control the Democratic Party, and it's also a refreshing indication that Republicans are no longer intimidated by feminist demands.
Bob Beauprez Bob Beauprez: Ginsberg tells Egypt to look to South African, Canadian Constitutions - not U.S. Even coming from one of the most entrenched liberals on the United States Supreme Court it was a shocker. During an interview aired last week on Egyptian television, Ruth Bader Ginsberg advised the Egyptian's against using the U.S. Constitution as guidance for their new effort at democratic self-governance.
Frank Gaffney Frank Gaffney: On Obama's Watch On February 5th, President Obama provided his own Super Sunday show. In some respects, it was almost as bizarre as Madonna's performance at half time.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: Teens Still "Big Losers" We thought we would ask the question: "How well are teens really doing in the U.S. economy?"
Michael Brown Michael Brown: Tolerance Is Still Not a Two-Way Street Mike Adams recently reported on the landmark ruling of the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in the Julea Ward case, noting that the decision eloquently defended “fundamental religious freedom against a full-frontal assault from the LGBT community.” In the court’s own words, “Tolerance is a two-way street. Otherwise, the rule mandates orthodoxy, not anti-discrimination.”
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: The Value of Money Ron Paul wouldn’t exist without the actions of the Fed, and the economic falsehoods he peddles wouldn’t get any traction without them either.
Crystal Wright Crystal Wright: Is Money Mitt's Ticket to Ride? If Romney was left to run only on his conservative credentials, voters would probably begin to see him as the emperor in The Emperor’s New Clothes, someone in desperate need of a personality and an authentic conservative mantle.
Mark W. Hendrickson Mark W. Hendrickson: Economics: The Cheerful Science Chances are, you’ve heard economics referred to as “the dismal science.” That unflattering description is glib and catchy; it is also 100 percent wrong.
Rachel Marsden Rachel Marsden: Romney Is Dangerously Naive on Foreign Policy Mitt Romney appears to have all the foreign-policy savvy of someone who once visited Euro Disney, and it's freaking me out. Not to say that President Obama is any more knowledgeable on that front, but at least he seems aware of his limitations, outsourcing foreign leadership to the French, the Brits, Hillary Clinton and private contractors.
Paul Driessen Paul Driessen: That Jobs Thing Sure Didn’t Last Long President Obama “is focused like a laser on putting people back to work,” Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) assured us last fall – echoing repeated statements by President Obama and Administration officials who “can’t wait” for Congress or others to take action and create jobs.
Carrie Lukas Carrie Lukas: Damaging the Freedom of Religion and Association Is the Real Price of Free Pills Government involvement, in just about any area of life, causes conflict. It's all but inescapable.
John  Browne John Browne: Wary Investors Give US Stocks Another Go Few investors have forgotten the carnage of 2008 and 2009, when a panic of epic proportions came about with little warning from the experts. Then, as now, most professional economists and analysts predicted clear sailing for months and years ahead.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: The Very Most Complete Story on Unemployment and Obamanomics The point remains: People are dropping out of the labor force at an astounding, almost unbelievable rate, holding the unemployment rate artificially low.
Chris Poindexter Chris Poindexter: Commodities Down On Greek News Equities futures on U.S. markets swooned on the news from the other side of the Atlantic as well, threatening to start the week lower.
Armstrong Williams Armstrong Williams: That 70s Show “I call it the Madman Theory, Bob. I want the North Vietnamese to believe I've reached the point where I might do anything to stop the war. We'll just slip the word to them that, ‘for God's sake, you know Nixon is obsessed about Communism. We can't restrain him when he's angry—and he has his hand on the nuclear button’ and Ho Chi Minh himself will be in Paris in two days begging for peace.”
David Sterman David Sterman: 3 Ways to Invest in the Coming Rebound in Natural Gas Well, a return to the glory days of 2008, when natural gas briefly touched $13 per thousand cubic feet (MCF) seems nigh on impossible. It's simply hard to envision a scenario where natural gas is once again scarce -- at least in terms of any reasonable investing time horizon.
George Friedman George Friedman: Russia and the United States: Pushing Tensions to the Limit? Relations between the United States and Russia are incredibly tense as both countries prepare for their respective presidential elections in 2012. The campaign season has presented both sides opportunities to escalate tensions, but it is unclear how far each side will go.
George Jarkesy George Jarkesy: The Machine Gets Bigger The root of our problems lies with a system where no one is specifically to blame, and because the culprit cannot be cornered and dealt with, the machine gets bigger.
Mike Adams Mike Adams: Eloquence in Defense of Liberty On January 27, 2012, the 6th Circuit issued a landmark opinion in Ward v. Wilbanks. It is the biggest federal court victory for campus First Amendment rights since my own victory before the 4th Circuit last April.
Debunking Green Lies:: No, Fracking Isn't Scary comments  (105)  
Michael Bloomberg's Super Bowl Ad Pushes Gun Control comments  (446)  
Surprise: Obama Campaign Pulls 180 on Evil Super PAC Money comments  (93)  
Game-Changer: Previewing the Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri Elections comments  (91)  
“Prop 8” Ruled Unconstitutional- For Now comments  (557)  
Paul Ryan Promises More Bold Action on Entitlements comments  (276)  
Pro-Life Komen VP Resigns comments  (111)  
Colorado, Minnesota, Missouri: Santorum Rising? comments  (465)  
Occupy Sympathizers to Attend Opulent 'One Percent' Obama Fundraiser
Obama vs. Catholics: The War on Religious Freedom comments  (288)  
Insights from Barbara Boxer on Komen: McCarthyism, PP Is Like the YMCA comments  (55)  
EAG Exclusive: Teachers Union Staffers Set Sail on 7-Day Caribbean Cruise comments  (226)  
At Last: A Bill to End All Energy Tax Credits comments  (114)  
New US Sanctions on Iran Aim to Head Off Israel comments  (86)  
[Townhall Magazine] ObamaCare at the Supreme Court: What to Expect comments  (67)  
Happy Birthday to Ronald Reagan comments  (176)  
Biden: Govt Subsidies Have Increased College Tuition comments  (114)  
Health Records Hacked comments  (32)  
Exposing MSM Tricks on Unemployment and Presidential Polling comments  (695)  
Energy Prices Necessarily Skyrocketing: $4 per Gallon of Gas on the Way comments  (297)  
More Proof Planned Parenthood Doesn't Provide Mammograms comments  (701)  
Tim Tebow for President? comments  (96)  
Obama: I Get Better As Time Goes On comments  (800)  
'Nonviolent' Protest: Occupier Slams Cop in the Face With a Brick comments  (185)  
GOP Influence Poll: How Helpful (or Harmful) are Endorsements? comments  (30)  
     Nasdaq 2904.08 +2.09 (+0.07%)
     S&P 500 1347.05 +2.72 (+0.20%)
     NYSE 8069.71 +0.00 (+0.00)
     10Y Yield 1.93 -0.05 (-2.49%)
"Our Goal Is To Get To Super Tuesday" - Gingrich comments  (922)  
Unions Plan to "Occupy CPAC" comments  (193)  
Colorado rocky for Republicans in 2012 comments  (58)  
Romney Rips Obama in Feisty Nevada Victory Speech

GOP Race Turns to Colorado, Minnesota comments  (70)  
Clinton Calls U.N. Syria Vote a "Travesty" comments  (46)  
Newt Unlikely to Drop Out comments  (650)  
Police Finally Begin Clearing Occupy D.C. comments  (121)  
Amidst Syrian Violence, U.S. Resolution Vetoed by China and Russia

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