Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Directv Cuts Wgn Off Air

Tribune Broadcasting has NOT reached an agreement or come to terms with DirecTV on any aspect of its contract. Any statement by DirecTV to the contrary is inaccurate and misleading.

DirecTV: I want my WGNTV back!


Attention DirecTV Subscribers

DirecTV stopped airing WGNTV at 11:59 p.m. Saturday, March 31, 2012, having failed to offer Tribune Broadcasting fair compensation for our programming. Federal law prohibits DirecTV from carrying WGNTV without an agreement in place. This means you are no longer able to watch Gossip Girl, America's Next Top Model, 90210, Vampire Diaries, Supernatural and more via DirecTV.
You pay DirecTV hundreds, even thousands, of dollars a year. DirecTV thinks you won’t care enough to demand WGNTV be returned to your TV. But your voice does matter. We urge you to call 1-855-GET-WGN9 (855-438-9469) toll free, and voice your opinion.


Call 855-GET-WGN9 (855-438-9469)

Meanwhile, we want to help you find other ways to watch your favorite shows in high definition. You do have options.
• Use an over-the-air antenna and watch for free
DTV.GOV is an excellent resource, with tips on choosing an antenna, improving reception and “rescanning” if you don’t already see WGNTV.
• Watch our live web stream during newscasts (or this tablet/mobile stream)
Sign up with another satellite or cable television provider
AllConnect.com and ConnectMyCable.com are two websites that will help you compare packages and special offers.
WGNTV Shows You May Lose
Understanding Our Disagreement
DirecTV says you had a deal and Tribune reneged, what’s the truth?
The truth is that we NEVER had a deal with DirecTV, handshake or otherwise, on Thursday, Mar. 29, or any other day. To say differently is inaccurate and misleading.

But, don’t take our word for it, take a look at DirecTV’s history in these types of negotiations. They have a track-record of this type of action — failing to come to terms and then putting their subscribers in the middle. They’ve done it repeatedly, most recently last year in October with several other channels including SPEED, FX, and National Geographic Channel, and again just 3 months ago with Sunbeam television owned-stations, where blackouts threatened the NFL playoffs and NBC’s Golden Globes.
How much did you ask for and how much would it raise my rates?
What we are asking for is less than a penny a day per subscriber and they shouldn’t raise your rates. Here’s why:

DirecTV has never paid to carry your local station. DirecTV already charges you a substantial monthly fee for its service, including your local stations. We are asking DirecTV to compensate Tribune as it compensates other local TV stations.They shouldn’t raise that fee at all, because you are already paying for it. In fact, on DirecTV’s website they openly promote our channels, yet our local stations don’t see one penny of DirecTV’s billions in profits. By the way, in 2011, DirecTV had more than $27 billion in revenue and more than $4.6 billion in operating profit.
The dynamics of the market have changed. It costs station owners tens of millions of dollars to buy high-quality syndicated programming, develop original programming, expand news coverage and pay for the rights to air live sporting events like NASCAR and baseball games. These are the things local consumers want from their stations, and it is only fair that DirecTV compensate us for the valuable news and entertainment programming we provide. Like we said, we’re asking for less than a penny a day per subscriber.
Why can’t you leave the stations up while you negotiate the contract?
By federal law, DirecTV cannot carry our local stations without an agreement in place. DirecTV knows this and has chosen to say something else to mislead subscribers.

DirecTV says it has always compensated you fairly, you say they haven’t. What’s the truth?
The truth is that DirecTV is trying to confuse the market and consumers by mixing-up your local Tribune station and WGN America. They have never compensated us for carrying your local station, though we have received payment in the past for WGN America, our national cable network.

Our local stations incur the increasing costs of developing original programming, buying high-quality syndicated programming, expanding news and airing live sports like baseball, without being compensated at all by DirecTV. Since you are already being charged by DirecTV for these stations, you should not see an increase in your monthly rate.

CALL: 855-GET-WGN9 (855-438-9469)
@DIRECTV #telldirectv

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