Monday, December 17, 2012


Top Five Stories
You May Have Missed

Dear Moneynews Reader:

Here are the five top Moneynews stories from the past week that you may have missed:

  1. Bernanke: Fiscal Cliff Already Hurting Economy
    The U.S. economy is already being hurt by the "fiscal cliff" standoff in Washington, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said. But he said the Fed believes the crisis will be resolved without significant long-term damage . . .  Click Here.
  2. WH Spokesman Carney: ‘There Is a Deal Out There That’s Possible’
    Negotiations to avert the "fiscal cliff" ahead of a year-end deadline intensified as President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner spoke by phone on Tuesday after exchanging new proposals . . . Click Here.

    Special: This ‘12-12-12 Plan’ Could Deliver 586% Profit
  3. BofA: US Oil Could Drop to $50 a Barrel
    West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil could drop to $50 a barrel during the next two years, but the drop would give drivers little relief at the gas pump, Bank of America Merrill Lynch analysts predict, according to CNNMoney . . . Click Here.
  4. Tamny: Fed Is ‘Killing’ Economy With its Loose Policies
    The Federal Reserve is “killing” the economy instead of helping it by sticking with its ultra-loose monetary policies, said John Tamny, editor of . . . Click Here.
  5. Erskine Bowles: 40% Chance of Cliff Deal by Year-End
    The U.S stands a 40 percent chance of seeing Congress and the White House steer the economy away from a fiscal cliff by the end of this year, said Erskine Bowles, co-chair of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform . . . Click Here.

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