Friday, December 14, 2012


Dear Fellow Conservative,

You have all seen what has taken place in Michigan over the past week. Big labor bosses and union thugs are using Communist tactics to try and thwart the legislative and democratic process. They will do anything to keep their power, beatings, killings, intimidation. Anything.

The Unions have engaged in an all out radical assault on our electoral system, attempting to intimidate elected state and local officials and blackmail average people worried about public safety and the education of their children. What is happening in Michigan today is just the follow up to what happened in Wisconsin with the attempted recall of Governor Scott Walker.

Emboldened by the reelection of Barack Obama, the unions are declaring war. Mark my words: without immediate action, it will get much worse. This is why I want you to have the latest tools available to defeat the unions. So for your immediate donation of $50 or more, I'll rush you a critical new book, Shadowbosses: Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind, and pamphlet, Government Unions: How They Rob the Taxpayer, Terrorize Workers, and Threaten our Democracy.

Please follow this link to make a tax-deductible donation of $50, $100, $250 or whatever you can afford right away.

This book and pamphlet are must reads for anyone concerned about unions' attempts to foil our political system. Shadowbosses: Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind by Mallory Factor exposes the dangers unions pose to our Republic and what we can do about it. Government Unions: How They Rob the Taxpayer, Terrorize Workers, and Threaten our Democracy by investigative journalists Matthew Vadum uncovers the shocking truth of unions' corruption, thuggery, and political radicalism, and their war against capitalism and the American middle class is told in a searing new expose.
I'm sick of watching unions get away with their thuggery and have continued to acquire more power, largely because they can count on sympathy from leftist allies in the mainstream media and now the White House, and I know you are too. And to stop them, we must stand with courageous governors like Scott Walker and Richard Snyder and the mayors and city councils across the country who are trying to roll back the power of government unions against great odds, with the unions use violence to try to intimidate the reformers.


David Horowitz
President & Founder

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