Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Dear Fellow Patriot,
The Senate is getting very close to a vote on Barack Obama’s gun-grabbing bill. Please see the following message from our friends at the US Justice Foundation and act on it today!
Joe the Plumber Email Signature Image
Joe “The Plumber” Wurzelbacher
Joe 4 America PAC
United States Justice Foundation Email Logo Image
United States Justice Foundation
Michael Connelly – Executive Director
The United States Justice Foundation
932 “D” Street, Suite 2
Ramona, California 92065
Dear Fellow Patriot,
Leftwing U.S. Senator, and Barack Obama stooge, Harry Reid has just announced that Mr. Obama’s gun grab bill will soon be voted on by the full Senate.
Please send faxes to the 29 key U.S. Senators who will decide this bill’s fate. USJF has compiled a list of those Senators who are believed to be “on the fence” on this issue. They need to hear from you NOW.
The vote on Barack Hussein Obama’s gun grab will be very, very close. One vote either way could mean victory or defeat for the 2nd Amendment.
Image of Michael Connelly, Executive Dir., USJF
Mr. Obama wants to ban the private sales of firearms, and he wants to limit the rights of millions of individuals to protect themselves. He wants only the government to have firearms!
The White House claims that they are simply trying to close “loopholes” in the background check laws.
However, what they are really attempting to accomplish is to make it practically impossible for any individual to give, or to sell, a gun to another individual without jumping through all kinds of government hoops. No more gun gifts to your family members at Christmas, or on birthdays!
It’s a sneaky way to undermine your gun rights, and, ultimately, to allow Barack Hussein Obama to confiscate every private firearm in America.
Under this new proposal:
1) If you give a friend or family member a gun as a gift, you could be breaking the law.
2) If you allow a buddy to borrow your shotgun to go hunting, you could go to jail.
3) If you sell an old pistol to your neighbor without getting government permission, you could be locked up for years!
That’s why you must send your faxes NOW.
I’ve taken the liberty of compiling a very special list of targeted U.S. Senators who could vote either way on this issue. Just click here to see, and to bombard them with faxes.
These Senators are being targeted by Mr. Obama, and by billionaire gun-grabber, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
They are pounding these Senators day in and day out to vote for the gun grab.
Now is time for the American people to weigh in, and to put grassroots pressure on these politicians.
Just click here to send your faxes. This truly is a battle between grassroots Americans and the gun-grabbing elite.
Every American who cares about the 2nd Amendment must bombard these Senators with faxes TODAY.
Send Faxes Now Image
Then, please forward this email to everyone that you know who cares about the right to keep and bear arms.
This is a DIRE EMERGENCY! The vote in the Senate is coming up and, frankly, Mr. Obama, his political organization, Mayor Bloomberg, and the gun control zealots are outworking us.
Please click here to send your faxes today.
If the link does not work, you can cut and paste this full link in a browser window:
And, please, ask everyone that you know to do the same. And, while you are at it, please add to the effectiveness of your faxes by personally calling your U.S. Senators’ offices at 202-224-3121. Tell him, or her, to oppose Barack Obama’s gun grab!
Michael Connelly – Executive Director
The United States Justice Foundation
932 “D” Street, Suite 2
Ramona, California 92065

PHONE: 760-788-6624 FAX: 760-788-6414

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