Monday, March 25, 2013



Action Alert: Top Republicans Block Benghazi Committee

It’s enough to make you sick.

One powerful committee chairman, a Republican, is blocking the creation of a House Select Committee on the Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.

Back in January, Congressman Frank Wolf introduced House Resolution 36, after he learned Obama is hiding up to 30 survivors “of that terrible night in Benghazi”.

These survivors, true heroes, are witnesses to an act of terror.

Congressman Wolf’s Resolution establishes a House “Select Committee to investigate and report on the attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya”.

As of today, only 62 House Republicans have co-sponsored the Resolution.

Frankly, this is a disgrace.

It’s also a leading indicator that top Republican leaders are blocking-and-tackling to stop Wolf’s Benghazi Committee cold in its tracks.

GOP Congressman Mike Rogers, the powerful Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, is the lead blocker.

Here’s what Rogers told Breitbart News when asked if he’d support Wolf’s Resolution:

"You know, I don’t think so. We’re still under the review of our committee right now, so we’re still conducting our investigation. We haven’t finished it yet… I’m not so sure we’ve exhausted all of our ability to get the information that we need for a select committee. They’re very expensive."

Chairman Mike Rogers has the power of subpoena, but won’t use it?

Speaker John Boehner has opposed the creation of a House Select Committee since November.

What are they trying to hide?  Who are they trying to protect?  Is this just another 'Washington Deal'?

It is urgent for you to call Speaker Boehner and Chairman Mike Rogers now.

Tell them to stop blocking Resolution 36 --- the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

Call Congressman Mike Rogers at his home district office: (517) 702-8000.

Call Speaker John Boehner’s office at one of his home district offices: (937) 339-1524 or (513) 779-5400.

It is time for Congress to stop ‘pussy-footing’ around Benghazi.

Revive America strongly supports the creation of a House Select Committee on Benghazi.

Help Expose Obama

America doesn't abandon its wounded into the hands of a bloodthirsty enemy on the battlefield.

Thank you for helping Revive to keep the heat on Congress.

Yours for America,

Bob Adams

P.S. -- Revive America strongly supports the creation of a House Select Committee on Benghazi – just like they had for ‘Watergate’.
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