Should Republican Senators Join Senators Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Mike Lee and Jim Inhofe To Filibuster Any And All Legislative Assaults on the Second Amendment… Or Should They Capitulate and Get Behind RINO Proposed "Compromise” Gun-Control Legislation?
It might seem like a question with an obvious answer. But at this very moment, 40 Senate Republicans are either confused or are secretly planning to side with at least one senior GOP Senator who mistakenly thinks it better to “compromise” with Barack Obama and his gun-grabbing colleagues than to stand firm against any attacks on our Second Amendment rights.
Well... we're going to help them end their confusion. And make no mistake... we're not ASKING them to filibuster the Obama-Feinstein Gun Grab... we're DEMANDING that they filibuster the Obama-Feinstein Gun Grab... and we're ACCEPTING NOTHING SHORT OF A FILIBUSTER.
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Why Defeat Barack Obama When We Can Capitulate To Him?
It seems like insanity… even though Senators Paul, Lee, Cruz, Rubio and Inhofe are trying to rally support for a filibuster, others in the Republican caucus are SABOTAGING those efforts and calling for "compromise."
At this very moment, Senator Charles Grassley is crafting his own version of "gun-control legislation" and according to The Hill, this act of sabotage is gaining traction.
Our reaction must be clear. Sam Rolley, writing for the Personal Liberty Digest, put it this way: "Conservative critics of the forthcoming GOP gun bill have said that any effort by Republicans to address any aspect of gun control is going too far. And it is yet to be seen whether Senators like Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who have vowed to filibuster any new gun legislation, will embrace the GOP version of gun control."
Why is it that Republican leaders in Congress reflexively and instinctively compromise even after being shown a clear and fool-proof path to unconditional victory? Why ask why?
Simply put, they must be stopped. And as you have proven so many times in the past, only patriotic Americans like you can stop them.
You need to let them know, in no uncertain terms, that as far as you are concerned, any Member of the Senate who DOES NOT openly participate in a filibuster of the Obama-Feinstein Gun Grab is effectively voting in favor of the Obama-Feinstein Gun Grab.
That's a message they will understand. That's a message they will heed. But the time to take decisive action is upon us… the time is now.
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Do Not Be Deceived By Harry Reid's Procedural Shenanigans. Your Second Amendment Rights Are On The Chopping Block.
When Senator Dianne Feinstein proposed her gun grab, patriotic Americans like you drew a line in the sand and sent tens of thousands of faxes and letters to Washington... and our elected officials got the message loud-and-clear.
In response, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid appeared to bend to public pressure and announced that he was going to strip the assault weapons ban provisions from the bill and ask Feinstein to offer those provisions as an amendment to the bill.
But don't be fooled by Reid's procedural trick or Feinstein's token objections. Our job is far from done.
There's an old expression in Washington: If at first you don't deceive, try, try again. And Obama, Reid and Feinstein aren't backing down one single, solitary inch.
Feinstein's feelings have not changed since that fateful day when she proclaimed: "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them - Mr. and Mrs. America turn ‘em all in – I would have done it."
Yes... it's a trick, a ploy to allow a handful of Democrats and RINOs, who represent red states, to vote against the amendment and THEN turn right around, once the amendment has passed, and vote in favor of the entire bill. In short, they'll vote AGAINST it, BEFORE they vote FOR it.
Why? ... So a handful of Democrats and RINOs who represent red states can go back home and LIE to the voters. 'I'm on record,' they'll bloviate. 'I voted against banning weapons because the right to keep and bear arms is enshrined in our Constitution.'
It's an old trick... it's a deplorable trick... and this time around, we're not going to let them get away with it. A handful of brave elected officials are threatening to filibuster the Obama-Feinstein Gun Grab. Senators Paul, Rubio, Lee, Inhofe and Cruz need your help right now.
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Barack Obama Hasn’t Thrown In The Towel. He Is Moving Forward… Full Steam Ahead.
A speech in Colorado just days ago, Obama used police officers as props. Surrounded by a sea of blue uniforms, the Campaigner-In-Chief pitched his gun-control legislation yet again.
Days prior, he surrounded himself with 21 mothers who lost children in the Newtown, Connecticut, tragedy. Using the White House as a stage, Barack Obama proclaimed: "Shame on us if we've forgotten. I haven't forgotten those kids."
No… Shame on YOU, Barack Obama.
Make no mistake, Obama isn’t giving up because he knows he can win… and he isn't going for your guns to save the lives of children. He knows all too well that his assault on the Second Amendment will do nothing to stop such tragedies. He knows that his efforts will only infringe on the rights of law-abiding Americans. And only you have the power to stop him.
Senator Cruz had the courage to say that it was "saddening" to see Barack Obama "once again, try to take advantage of this tragic murder to promote an agenda that will do nothing to stop violent crime, but will undermine the constitutional rights of all law-abiding Americans."
Cruz is right. And even though every Member of the U.S. Senate (or at least the Republican Members of the Senate) should be standing with Cruz… they aren’t. And right now, it is the duty of every patriotic American to stand with Cruz and let the rest of our elected officials know exactly what the American people want them to do.
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More Dirty Tricks…
Staged events aren't the only tricks Mr. Obama has up his sleeve. The Hill recently reported that Obama "has used his executive powers to... create a million-dollar ad campaign…"
And in a totally separate article, The Hill also reported: "At the same time, gun control groups were staging a 'Day to Demand Action' with more than 100 rallies and other events planned from Connecticut to California. This was on top of a $12 million TV ad campaign financed by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg..."
We don't have millions of taxpayer and Bloomberg dollars for television ad campaigns and propaganda rallies with expensive rent-a-mobs... but we do have another weapon...
And it is a much more potent weapon. National Review Online recently reported on something you didn't hear from the lame-stream media. When Rand Paul staged his now famous 13-hour filibuster the polls showed "a 50-point shift in public opinion toward his position."
Senator Mike Lee commented: "Once it became clear what the principle was that was being stood for, the public naturally followed.”
When Paul staged his first filibuster... we didn't see it coming. We had no warning and we had no time to mount a campaign of support.
But now that we know what may be coming, we have no excuse not to make our voices heard and help make it happen.
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Our Second Amendment Rights Are Non-Negotiable.
In a recent alert to supporters and activists, Gun Owners of American summed up the situation perfectly:
"We are beyond the point of negotiating our demise with people who have made it clear that their objective is to destroy us.
“The only solution is to oppose EVERY SINGLE GUN CONTROL proposal. Every single one.”
You know that... we know that... and now it's time for Congress to get the message. Our Second Amendment right are non-negotiable and the Obama-Feinstein Gun Grab MUST be filibustered.
No negotiations… No compromises… Period.
Please join us in driving that point home right here and right now.
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