Friday, April 5, 2013


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Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for April 5th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

Smiley-face lies and homicide hogwash in Dem hellholes

President Obama’s hometown of Chicago still goes by the old nickname “Windy City.” But after three miserable decades of strict gun control and permanent Democratic rule, Chicago has cemented its reputation as America’s Bloody City...

Michelle Obama: ‘Busy single mother’

Sometimes, when you least expect it, parapraxis rears its ugly head...

Obama on Pelosi: She never lets ideology cloud her judgment

When President Obama is on his game he’s some serious kind of funny (he’s funny when he’s off his game as well)...

More From the Right Side of the Web

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Yesterday, Michelle talked to Fox's Eric Bolling about the Associated Press putting the kibosh on "illegal immigrant" and the government's quest to redefine American citizenship.

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