Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Tuesday, April 2nd

Legislators Aim for Guns
While the Senate is expected to take up gun control legislation when they return to Washington, legislation related to guns is also moving at the state level. The Anointed One is traveling to Colorado to push for gun control legislation. The cost to you, the taxpayers, for this gun control speech: $1 million. As Jim Geraghty of NRO points out, that's enough to fund one year of White House tours. We chronicled the grueling debate in Colorado, which has now implemented some of the most strict gun laws in the nation. Following in its footsteps is now Connecticut. Based on a report from the Associated Press, the bipartisan legislation aims to do the following: Establishes a ban on new high-capacity ammunition magazines; Creates new registration requirements for existing magazines that carry 10 or more bullets...{ more}.

Americans Seeking Freedom
For as much turmoil as the GOP may be experiencing on the national level, on the state level conservatism is proving to be a magnet for businesses and economic growth. The trends are real and they prove that ultimately Americans seek freedom. Americans want jobs. They want to prosper. They want to work hard and keep the money that they earn. Unfortunately, Democrats on a national level are making this more difficult to do, even in the freest of states. There are a few main reasons why Red states are growing economically ( click here to read).
Dependent States Of America
The number of Americans who are dependent on some sort of government assistance is growing at an alarming rate. Let's be very clear about this: We cannot sustain this, yet we currently do not have a plan in place to do anything about it. Last week I told you how 14 million Americans now collect a disability check from the government every single month, costing the taxpayers $260 billion a year. We spend more money on disability programs than food stamps and welfare combined. There are a few alarming trends to note ( click here to read).

Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
More freedom in the red states - Thank You Troops
Is this a joke? This has to be the Onion. How about teaching them to not have a budget until you are forced to, how to steal from the rich, how to complain if you don't have what your neighbor has and take if from them instead of working like they do to get it. And how to borrow money with no intention of paying it back so that you can file bankruptcy later and then don't have to pay it back. Just live off your parents, it's your right.

>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 9pm ET):
Have Democrats found a new way to limit your Second Amendment rights?

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