Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Tuesday, July 23rd 

Shut it Down?
You know something has gone terribly wrong with this president's second term when he actually turns to the economy as a way to reboot his image. I told you yesterday that Obama will be kicking off a campaign series of speeches tomorrow related to the economy. His own advisor Dan Pfieffer has told us that this is Obama's way to refocus the American people on issues beyond the “phony” scandals plaguing this administration. Those scandals have sent Obama's approval ratings down the tubes, and even his favorability ratings are underwater. That's a big deal for this president. It's amazing that his policies have been able to fail and yet the American people still like him. That is until now ... A big part of the PR campaign that Obama is engaging in has to do with his own healthcare law. Amazingly, the Obama administration and Obama himself is going to work over-time over the next several months to convince you that Obama Care is great for your healt h and for the health of our economy. But if you are reading this article, or you listen to talk radio, you know that this is far from the truth. Here’s a run-down of the impact Obama Care could have on you. 

When you are trying to sell something in America, you apparently must turn to Hollywood. The Obama administration is no amateur when it comes to capitalizing on our celebrity worship culture. I can't blame them for utilizing this powerful tool, but I can be frustrated by the fact that the American people allow themselves to be manipulated this way. Yesterday there was a celebrity recruitment meeting at the White House. The stars in attendance included Jennifer Hudson, Amy Poehler, Michael Cera and Kal Penn, and the meeting also included representatives of Oprah Winfrey, Bon Jovi and Alicia Keys. Needless to say, our own celebrity president is turning to his celebrity pals in order to sell a terrible law, which I'm sure these Hollywood stars know little about. Then again, I don't think we are too concerned about the facts here; It's more like propaganda.
Community Organizing
There's a report in the Politico today, “OFA embraces tea party blueprint for August push.” What this basically means is that the supposedly non-partisan Organizing for Action is going to do its best to create excitement surrounding Obama Care. They want to recreate the reaction Tea Partiers had to Obama Care in the summer of 2010, but obviously from the opposite side of the political coin. The only problem with this is that the Tea Party opposition to Obama Care was genuine and evolved organically. It was based on real, legitimate concerns for the future of our country and our own healthcare. This campaign to sell Obama Care is based half-truths and is trying to get people to be excited about something which the majority of the country doesn't like and has never liked. Any fervor you see in August will not really be about Obama Care – It will be le ft-wing activists using Obama Care as the vehicle to advance their cause of big government. Do you think Republicans are foolish to bring our government to the brink of a shutdown in order to repeal Obama Care, or do you think that it is the only way that they can gain a successful repeal, which will be better for our country in the long-run?

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums
Dear Liberal, I Think You'd Better Take A Good Look at Detroit - Posted by Neo-Indie
it is undeniable that 51 years of Democrat rule/liberal policies can or will do this to a city, state or country. Liberals, YOUR problem is that if Liberalism gets a hold on the country, you YOURSELF and your kids and their kids could be living in a giant Detroit called 'America' someday. You better take a fair look. It's what we're trying to tell you about your political philosophy.

>>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News)
Senator Mike Lee joins Sean to explain his plan to kill Obama Care.

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