Wednesday, August 28, 2013


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Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for August 28th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

Colorado’s grass-roots revolt against the gun-grabbers

While most Americans will be chillin’ out, maxin’ and relaxin’ this Labor Day weekend, dedicated patriots in Colorado are hard at work preparing for a groundbreaking special election day with nationwide repercussions...

Obama administration sources: President has no constitutional authority to unilaterally attack another country

There’s obviously a lot of discussion this week in regards to whether the administration led by a recent Nobel Peace Prize winner has constitutional authority to attack Syria without congressional approval...

Video contest: Help HHS sell Obamacare, win prizes

Apparently Katy Perry and dozens and dozens of other Hollywood celebs can’t do it alone, so the Department of Health and Human Services is sponsoring a contest offering prizes to people who can come up with the most creative ways to tell Americans that the thing they have to buy that they can’t afford is super affordable...

More From the Right Side of the Web

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