Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Wednesday, August 7th 

Benghazi Charges Filed
It's hard to tell what is a top priority with this administration when they constantly say one thing and then do another. The day after the attack in Benghazi, Barack Obama made a statement to the public where said, “We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done.” Nearly a year later, we are just seeing charges pressed. One of the suspects charged is a man by the name of Ahmed Khattala. If you will recall, six weeks after the attack in Benghazi (October 2012) Fox News was able to sit down for an extended interview with Khattala. He had not been contacted by American authorities and he was not concerned in the slightest that he would be caught. Then last week, CNN caught up with Khattala who had been identified by this point as a “person of interest” in the Benghazi attack. That interview last week set off a firestorm because many people – including members of Congress – began to ask: If the media can contact one of these suspected terrorists, why can't the FBI? This is where the administration's “priorities” line becomes completely bogus. Yesterday a Justice Department official stated, "It has been, and remains, a top priority. We have no further comment at this time.” The fact is that our government could have made finding and prosecuting these terrorists a priority, but it hasn't. Only now, after the media has forced its hand, have charges at least been filed and the ball seems to be somewhat moving.

There’s More To This Story
There is more to this story than just these charges. There are also the theories swirling around that attempts to distract people from Benghazi are because there was more to hide than sheer incompetency. There's evidence that the administration was running a secret gun-running program to the Syrians via the CIA annex in Benghazi. This program was not approved by Congress, so it's no wonder why Congressional investigations (led by Rep. Jason Chaffetz, for example) into Benghazi would be stonewalled by those up the State Department food chain. Have we heard from any of the 30+ CIA agents who were on the ground in Benghazi at the time of the attack? No, and the government is going to great lengths to keep it that way. To this day, as we learn more about Benghazi, as dozens of embassies remain closed around the world, and as Yemen claims it has foiled an al Qaeda terror plot, Obama and his administration continue to insist that al Qaeda is on the run. Yesterday Jay Carney insisted that there was “no question” about that. Yesterday there was also a fascinating press conference with State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki where the press hounded her on this idea that al Qaeda is “on the run.” What are we supposed to make of all this? Either the administration knows this is false but is lying to the American people, or the administration truly believes that to be the case. Oh and by the way, as if there wasn't enough scandal surrounding the Benghazi terror attack, take a look at how this issue is having a profound impact on the media, with journalists who are afraid to cover the news for fear of losing access.
Outrageous: Obama on Spying
While US embassies around the world are closed or being evacuated, our president hadn't said a darn thing about this global terror threat until he was asked about in last night on Jay Leno. I love Leno, but what does it say about Obama that his first comments addressing highly critical issues are made on a late night comedy show? The optics of this are important and it points to Obama's failed leadership, in my opinion. But Jay Leno also asked Obama about the NSA surveillance programs, an issue which has caused quite the debate in the United States over the balance between privacy and security. Obama told Jay Leno, “We don't have a domestic spying program.” Obama goes on to say, “What we do have is some mechanisms that can track a phone number or an email address that is connected to a terrorist attack...That information is useful." Don't have a domestic spying program? The fact of the matter is that we may not have a “domestic” spying program, but we have a “spying program” here in America. The administration wants us to believe that it is limited to simply meta data applied to foreign terrorist activity but that is simply not the case. This meta data is being collected on every American, regardless of whether or not you are linked to foreign terrorism. We also learned this week that this data is being used to then investigate domestic crime! Did you miss that report? Here it is. Our government has information on every American, regardless of a link to terrorism. That information is being used in some cases as the basis to go after domestic crime. Does he truly believe we are ignorant enough to buy his lies?

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums
Speculations on 2014-16-18 - Posted by Safiel
The first is "The Presidency's Political Price." Sabato and a couple of his colleagues reflect upon the pattern of Congressional losses generally suffered by the party of the occupant of the White House. The second is "Senate 2014 and Beyond" by Sabato's colleagues. The general suggestion being that 2014 looks good for Republicans, 2016 looks good for Democrats and 2018 looks good for Republicans. But with an end result that neither party make a spectacular gain over that time period. One interesting conclusion that can be garnered. If Republicans don't capture a Senate majority in 2014, they have little chance of doing so again until 2018.

>>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News)
Obama cancels Putin meeting.  Smart?

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