Monday, October 21, 2013


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Photo credit: Jensen Sutta Photography
Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for October 21st. Enjoy!

From the Blog

David Axelrod spins the train wreck: ‘Isn’t it ironic’ Obamacare opponents are pointing out it’s failings?

Here’s some spin for you, courtesy of David Axelrod...

Pelosi: Glitches in implementation of inevitable train wreck ‘unacceptable’

Nancy Pelosi was on “This Week” this morning and, deemed glitches in implementation of Obamacare “unacceptable”...

Kathleen Sebelius admits Obamacare system wasn’t tested

The situation is getting dire, and if Kathleen Sebelius can’t find Professor Stephen Falken soon, WOPR is going to launch the missiles...

More From the Right Side of the Web

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