Sunday, October 20, 2013


Friday Charts: Setting the Record Straight on the United States, Europe and Japan The government is (finally) open again. And that should put an end to the hourly stock market spasms we endured for the better part of two weeks. Fingers crossed. The Most Important (and Profitable) Technology Trend of Our Lifetimes It's hard to believe that, 10 years ago, no one owned a smartphone or tablet. Now, mobile technology represents the biggest technology trend ever. A Bullish Undercurrent That's Impossible to Ignore
The 10 Most Hated Stocks in the S&P 1500 Index The Future of Gasoline... In Your Stomach

Obama Propaganda Tools Shuttered By Shutdown One unintended consequence of the government shutdown? The Obama administration's propaganda machine has been slowed. Obama EBT Glitch Sends Children Home Hungry A weekend EBT disaster is the latest example of how the failure of complex systems has catastrophic outcomes.

Ex-Dividend Wars (Revisited): Home Loan Servicing vs. Hickory Tech Almost a year ago to the day, we pitted two high-yielders - Home Loan Servicing Solutions (HLSS) and Hickory Tech Corp. (HTCO) - against one another in a good old-fashioned stock war. It's time for a rematch, though. An Income-Maximizing Strategy So Easy, Even a Caveman Could Use It Forget about chasing yield. Chase dividend growth, instead. And as this company proves, doing so can yield even more benefits.

Saudi Arabia Just Ranked Dead Last If you think that Saudi Arabia should rank at the top of any oil-related study, you'd be wrong. The Most Profitable Imbalance in History? All indications show that natural gas prices will remain above $3 moving forward - and will likely inch closer to $5 within a couple of years.

South Korea's Tech Giants Battle for Flexible Supremacy Samsung's flurry of 2013 product launches continues. The company has just launched the world's first market-ready curved smartphone - the Galaxy Round. We take a look and assess the imminent competition from LG... City Planning is About to Get a Tech Injection Our cities are vital for economic growth, jobs, communities and our lifestyle. But they're also very inefficient. Solution: Make them "smarter."

Still Time to Lift Your Restrictions... A certain corner of the market will hit for 41 price doubles tomorrow, according to years of historical data. It'll hit for 41 more the next day. And 41 more the day after that. In fact, as long as the stock market is open... this corner of the market will witness 41 different price doubles EVERY SINGLE DAY. Yesterday, thousands of people lifted their restrictions to this market and enjoyed the best day of their lives. To lift your restrictions, click here. Just do it before 9:30 AM EST tomorrow, when the next 41 price doubles, on average, are scheduled to happen. Here's how to prepare.

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