Thursday, December 19, 2013


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Duck Dynasty Drama
Phil Robertson of the wildly popular Duck Dynasty series on A&E has been suspended indefinitely from the network. His offense was commenting in an interview with GQ magazine on his views on homosexuality and religion.

The offending quote reads as follows: "It seems like, to me, a vagina -- as a man -- would be more desirable than a man's anus. That's just me. I'm just thinking: There's more there! She's got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I'm saying? But hey, sin: It's not logical, my man. It's just not logical."

He went on to discuss his religious views, which should come as no surprise to anyone who watches the show.

As an American with a deep appreciation for freedom of speech and religion, and as someone in the media, it's deeply disturbing that someone would be essentially fired for voicing their beliefs, particularly their religious beliefs. If we, as a society, are unable to speak about our beliefs then that creates a de facto limit on free speech. I never call for people to be fired who may say outrageous things because I believe it is setting a bad precedent. I want people to be able to speak their minds.

The controversy over Duck Dynasty really boils down to the fact that liberal elitists cannot relate to a great portion of America, which loves this show and Phil Robertson. They also appreciate that they are open about their Christian beliefs. There is a profound disconnect that becomes emphasized when issues like this arise. It's a shame because, at the end of the day, the show makes for great entertainment and isn't that what it's all about?
Souring On ObamaCare
The year is wrapping up, and it looks like Obama and his signature legislation (ObamaCare) will be ending it on a very sour note.

Obama's presidential approval rating remains underwater in nearly every single poll, including the latest from Fox News. That poll finds that 41% of voters approve of Obama's job performance, while 53% disapprove. This is similar to nearly every other poll right now, including the Washington Post poll I told you about earlier in the week which finds Obama enjoying one of the lowest approval ratings of any 5th year of a presidency.

One of the biggest drivers, in my opinion, of this drop in his approval rating is because of ObamaCare. Between the lying, the impact it's having on Americans and the incompetent rollout of the exchanges, ObamaCare is an anchor pulling down his ability to rise in the polls.

Here are a few more stories and columns related to ObamaCare...
Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
U.S. Housing Starts Jump to Highest Level in 5 Years - CaughtInTheMiddle
Someone interpret this article for me. It says stuff like... "Builders broke ground on more homes in November than at any time in over five years as growing demand helped the industry overcome rising U.S. mortgage rates."
>>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News)
Sarah Palin reacts to the latest controversy surrounding the suspension of 'Duck Dynasty' patriarch Phil Robertson from A&E. Plus, our panel debates the media double standard that exists when left-wingers make controversial comments.

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