Monday, February 24, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
America's World Image
It wasn't long ago when Barack Obama accepted his Nobel Peace Prize.  Leading up to his election in 2008, throngs of people gathered in Berlin where he promised to rebuild America's image around the world.  How has he measured up? According to a brand new Gallup poll, more Americans believe that Barack Obama is not respected by other world leaders.  For the first time of his presidency, 53 percent of Americans feel he is not respected, compared to 41 percent who believe he is respected.  This coincides with our declining image on the world stage. Like much of Obama's presidency, his rhetoric sounds great but then his actions don't match up.  In Syria he set a red line, only to be embarrassed on the world stage when America couldn't follow through.  Attempts to contain Iran's nuclear pursuits have been less than effective.  Putin seems to be getting the upper hand in nearly every interaction on the world stage.  The NSA spying scandal has deeply soured foreign leaders' trust in America. This all serves to tarnish America's world image and endanger our national security. 
Ukrainian Dilemma
The Obama administration's handling of the crisis in Ukraine is another test of America's influence around the world, particularly for people who want freedom from oppressive governments.  Susan Rice, who is now Obama's national security advisor, is warning that if Russia sends troops into Ukraine, that would be a "grave mistake."  Time will tell how the situation in Ukraine tests America's true willingness to stand for freedom, even potentially in the face of Russia's Putin who has done a great job of embarrassing us on the world stage.
Remember Susan Rice?
Susan Rice returned to the spotlight and made a comment over the weekend that has a lot of people upset.She was asked about her infamous Sunday after the September 11th attacks in Benghazi where she went on five different shows blaming a YouTube video for the attack.She told David Gregory that she has "no regrets" about boldly lying to the American people.That comment left some like John McCain "almost speechless," calling it "embarrassing."I'm sure many Americans feel the same way.After all, a Fox News poll released last Friday shows that 66% of Americans want Congress to continue to investigate the Obama administration's handling of the terrorist attack in Benghazi.  That's because we still have yet to get the true story of what transpired that night and how the talking points came to be. While our image is certainly clouded on the world stage, Obama's image with the American people remains low.  Between the lying, the usurpation of power and the lousy economy, Obama arguably has as much repair to do at home as he does abroad.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
ObamaCare is Brilliant - Posted by Libhunter
I've recently found out through my own battle with cancer what the real purpose of Obamacare is. Kill all the sick and elderly in America, forcibly charge the healthy for super expensive insurance and spend the surplus purchasing democratic votes. Cutting off access to medication and doctors today will kill tens on thousands of today's sick people like myself. Stealing from Medicare will cause the deaths of millions of seniors in the future. It's amazing how socialists always turn to mass murder as a solution.

>>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News)
Former VP Dick Cheney joins Sean to discuss proposed military cuts.  

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