Wednesday, May 7, 2014

DO WE NEED THE IRS????????????????????????

Dear Fellow Patriot,
A national movement has begun, and it has the Washington establishment terrified.
Every day, thousands of Americans are joining the call to shut down the IRS and bring fairness and transparency back to our tax system!
And today, my friend, I want to invite you to join us.
You see, with the ever-expanding tax code, the advent of Obamacare, and the revelations of politically-targeted harassment by the IRS, the moment has never been more ripe for a grassroots revolution that will rid us of this fundamentally corrupt government agency once and for all.
That's why I am pleased to join Jenny Beth Martin and my good friends at Tea Party Patriots in this historic fight.
You see, I have joined Tea Party Patriots in the national movement to rid the American people of the IRS once and for all.
This is a surging movement with real support, and it will bring about a real solution. But we can't do it without the unmistakable grassroots support of the Tea Party.
The budget of the Internal Revenue Service has increased by 58 percent since the year 2000.
And every cent of that budget has gone to support a bloated, abusive bureaucracy that stands completely at odds with the rights and liberties of the American people.
As I'm sure you know, investigations have revealed that high-ranking officials within the Obama Administration have used the IRS as a political weapon, targeting grassroots Americans like you for harassment and intimidation!
With the support of grassroots patriots like you, we can end this nightmare. We can dismantle the IRS and rid our country of this big government monstrosity once and for all!
Unfortunately, the Washington "ruling class" loves the IRS. It helps them fuel their out-of-control spending and reckless big government debacles.
They're going to go to the mat defending the IRS - unless we can show them that the American people stand against them in massive numbers!
I'm ready to do whatever it takes to abolish the IRS. Tea Party Patriots is ready to join me.
Can we count on your support as well?
Are you ready to take this critical step toward eliminating the IRS, reining in big government, and reclaiming our liberty?
Thank you so much for your help in this important cause. Keep fighting for liberty!
For Freedom,
Rand Paul

U.S. Senator, KY

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