Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Incompetence at Home and Abroad
From the VA scandal to crumbling international relations, Barack Obama's competency is being questioned on the foreign and domestic front.

A brand new Zogby poll shows that Obama and the Democrats have lost their edge over Republicans on the issues of national security, foreign affairs, the budget and taxes. Perhaps this is why the Democratic strategy for the 2014 midterm elections will be to go negative and paint Republicans as uncaring - because Democrats don't have much positive momentum at the moment.

Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner reports, "Republicans now are viewed as 'superior' to Democrats on handling national security (36 percent to 25 percent) and foreign affairs (33 percent to 29 percent)." In general, Obama's polling on foreign policy has been negative for quite some time, with the RCP average currently showing more people disapproving of his handling of foreign policy than approving.

It's not difficult to imagine why this is the case...(continued)
More ObamaCare Problems
The problems with ObamaCare continue to mount.

Much of the enrollment success of ObamaCare can be chalked up to the expansion of Medicaid eligibility. The problem is that now states have to figure out how to pay for it. Governors who didn't budget for the increase in Medicaid enrollees due to ObamaCare could find themselves in some real trouble.

They aren't the only ones grappling with higher costs due to ObamaCare. Unions are having a difficult time figuring out who is going to foot the bill for all the mandates associated with ObamaCare, such as taxes on premium plans and mandated coverage for children until age 26.

And the IRS has decided to impose a tax penalty on any businesses that chose to "dump" their employees into ObamaCare exchanges.
>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 10pm ET):
Candid, controversial and completely unleashed! It's one hour of pure Sean!

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