Monday, June 16, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Iraq Continues To Spiral
The unraveling of Iraq continues to dominate the headlines. It's not hard to understand why. A ruthless breed of Islamic radicals is taking the country by storm, creating a geopolitical nightmare and a humanitarian crisis.

The ISIS - Islamic State of Iraq and Syria - took control of yet another Iraqi city. On Monday, the al Qaeda offshoot seized the town of Tal Afar in Northwest Iraq. This adds to the growing list of towns and cities the group has seized including Mosul, Tikrit, Kirkuk and Fallujah.

The United States government has started evacuating some of its staff from our embassy in Baghdad and sent in Marines to protect it. However, Barack Obama made it clear last week that we will not be sending ground troops into Iraq.

That leaves us to try and flex our waning influence in other ways. John Kerry says that we'll give "a very thorough vetting of every option that is available," including working with Iran and drone strikes.

There are a few other disturbing facts that we've come to learn surrounding the situation in Iraq...continued
Missing IRS Emails
We've been following the IRS targeting scandal of Tea Party conservatives for over a year.

At the heart of this scandal is the former head of tax exempt organizations Lois Lerner. Lerner was held in contempt of Congress for failing to testify. The Congress has subpoenaed for her email records.

But guess what? Her emails have suddenly gone missing!

The IRS claims that Lerner's emails from 2009 to 2011 are missing because of a computer crash.

How convenient! While some email records exist, the missing ones are those sent to outside entities like possibly the Department of Justice, Democrat members of Congress, the Treasury or even the White House.

This is beyond incompetence, it is flat out insulting.

Considering the government's own admission of its tracking capabilities, it's impossible to believe that all records have simply disappeared.

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