Monday, November 10, 2014


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Michelle Malkin 31
Photo Credit: Jensen Sutta Photography
Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for November 10th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

Make D.C. listen: Voters reject illegal alien rewards

Enough is enough. An important bloc of voters made their voices heard on Tuesday. Their message: Quit rewarding people who violate our immigration laws. They chose a sovereign nation over an illegal alien sanctuary nation, and they told politicians in both parties loud and clear: Put Americans first...

As grand jury decision looms, Ferguson protest group has a list of demands for police

Just so we know where things stand this coming week if a grand jury decision is handed down, this makes it sound as if the Ferguson protesters aren’t far away from having lawyers draw up a contract with a “demands” rider...

Gird your coins (again): Solar company applies for $539m federal grant to pay off federal loan

Google execs and employees have been among the most generous Obama supporters in the corporate world, so the odds of this application being fast-tracked to approval are looking good...

WaPo columnist helps kick off the weekend with some laughs about the Obama presidency

If you need a hearty weekend laugh, try and get through the first two sentences of David Ignatius’s column at the Washington Post without your Friday afternoon beverage of choice coming out your nose...

More From the Right Side of the Web

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